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So there he was.

He was holding the bag of grocerys in his hand.

The band had always made jokes about his name, saying that it was so wierd to be called "Angus", saying it was one letter away from "anus" and that his family must be madly in love with beef.

He laid the bag down on the kitchen counter, slowly taking out all the items and put them away in his kitchen.

Then his hands touched the final item.

He toke it out of the bag starring at it.

He was clearly nerves.

He knew there was no turning back now.

"What are you doing with that beef-?" A familiar voice said.

Angus jumped and turned around to see Brian standing in the doorway.

"Bon-? What are you doing here?" Angus said nervesly.

"Well I thought we were gonna practice today. Plus, you always leave your door unlocked so like it's pretty easy to get in."

Angus took a sigh of relief.

"Oh yeah yeah right... listen, can we push that back for a bit? I uh-"

Bon staired at Angus blankly before interrupting.

"Are you about to fuck the piece of meat?"

Angus blushed.


Bon started dieing laughing.

"I'm just kidding. Anyway, yeah thats fine. I can come back around 5 probably. That works?"

Angus looked over at the clock. It was 2:30. He shook his head.

"Uh yes that's perfect! I'll see you then!" He said sweating. He rushed Bon out of the door before going back to the kitchen where the beef laid.

"Now where was I...?" Angus said.

Angus toke the price of meat back in his hand, shaping it into the shape of a dick.

He didn't really have time to cook it like he had hoped since there would only be a little over 2 hours for him to fuck it before Brian would come back ; which is about as long as it would take to cook.

"I'll find a way to manage..." He mumbled to himself.

He put it on the grill for about 3 minutes. He knew it would cook it but he just needed it to stick together at least a little bit so he could auctly get it in his asshole.

After he had gotten the beef to were it would at least stay in place he took it upstairs to his room.

He checked the clock again. It was almost three.

He ripped his shirt off and took the meat in his hand.

He didn't exactly know how he was gonna put it in his ass but he would figure it out some how.

He un buckled his belt and unzipped his pants.

He staired bervesly st the meat.

"You can do this.... it's only a pecie of meat right?" Angus told himself.

He slowly removed his pants, slinging them behind him.

He paused a moment looking down at his tight ass boxers.

He was starting to rethink the whole think.

"Come on Angus, just shove the fucking beef in your ass already!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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Beating My Meat (Angus Young x Angus beef)Where stories live. Discover now