♯ 1: what a show.

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︷🎤 liverpool 🎤︸

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🎤 liverpool 🎤

killed the stage.

"thank you, liverpool!" jay shouted into his mic as the team took each other's hands and bowed, the crowd's cheers fading away as the stage lowered into the ground with them on it. once the faint click of the overhead door closing was heard, the four bandmates cheered quietly and congratulated each other on their hard work.

"riki!" heeseung calls across the room while the former was putting his guitar on its stand. he faces the older with a curious expression, and smiles once he sees his three bandmates clapping for him. sunoo had a bittersweet smile as he sat in a corner and clapped.

"owned the whole show tonight!" jay exclaimed, throwing an arm around the youngest's shoulder. riki chuckled and flicked his head to remove his bangs from his face. "everyone was screaming your name!"

riki waved his hand dismissively and went to grab a bottle of water. "nah, the show's not only about me, you know. we're bandmates for a reason."

jay patted riki's shoulder before all four collected their belongings and followed their manager outside and into the room backstage. sunoo was the last to go out, and he followed behind the three other boys silently.

the crowd cheered again at glimpsing the boys leaving backstage, and they waved at them for a minute before disappearing behind the stage. a number of security guards were waiting for them there to escort them back to their van so they could go back to their hotel. their instruments would be brought for them by their managers.

"whoo," heeseung exhaled as he threw himself on the first seat he saw while his members climbed in after him. "london's our next stop, right?" he asked his manager.

"london!" jay exclaimed excitedly, practically bouncing on his seat. "my friend lives in london-"

"yeah, claire, or what was her name?" riki deadpanned, opening his phone. jay reached over to smack his arm playfully as the van began moving.

"you're right, yeah," he said. "hey, manager, do i get to meet her while we're in london? i haven't seen her since we debuted."

their manager paused for a while before he responded; "only after the shows, though," he said. "it would be dangerous, with your big audience in london."

"hey, i'll be fine," jay argued calmly. "it's riki who's most popular in london, not me. most of his fanbase is in london."

"how do you know all that stuff?" heeseung asked from the back. riki hummed and nodded, seconding the older's question. jay chuckled and dropped his body on the seat's backrest.

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