story idea's

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1 - clover's moderator

A power that rules all other, to uphold the balance or to tip it to someone favor it's for the moderator to decide


Name : Aiden
Magic level - commoner
Magic attributes - non
Power - moderator authority (able to use command) [low]

1 stat up - increase there capabilities
2 unlock - open any lock whether it be magic, memory, seals or physical object like doors or chest
3 delete - destroy magic attack that is near the users capabilities
4 firewall - give protection to ????
5 chain - chain down a target
6 golem creation - make a golem to protect the user (material are needed and material use is relive to how complex or powerful the golem is) [can be bypass with a golem core]
7 cloud storage - make a gate that one can store there items in even other people
8 lock - lock anything (amount that can be lock grow with the authority)
[Low: object like chest and door, non-complex seal and bindings

Mid: lock a person's function like talking and movement

High: lock away a person magic and memories]

1 copy - able to copy object or weapon
2 barrier - able
3 slash - create a giant cut (note only able to cut magic, object un-able to harm living creatures)
4 build - creat object ranging from house to city
5 block - isolate anyone in a field(can be broken by bypass it's defense or destroying it completely)
6 time stop - stop the movement of anyone weaker than the user
7 gather - absorb all magic attack to a single point and place in a orb
8 operator creation - give a individual powers similar to the moderator tho unable to use certain ability
9 guard creation - make a golem with the [1 delete 2 barrier 3 firewall] ability (upgraded version of golem creation)
10 state down - lower the capability of a individual (can be resisted if there strong enough)
11 guardian creation - able to create a creature with the capabilities of a operator (higher tier guard requires a core that hold it's own will and personality)
12 teleportation - teleport to any location that the user has been to
13 portal - create a portal [link with teleportation]
14 link - able to connect a chest to owners cloud storage allowing others the use of it

1 permanent delete - delete any and all attack, object or humans also able to erase a individual mana and magic (as long as he is relive to there strength in magic)
2 restore - restore anything as long as a single part of the object or individual is present even what has been permanently deleted (revival on steroids)
3 attitude weapon Creation - create weapons that increase the users capabilities
4 edit - change a person magic, personality, memory and body (return to normal after a minimum of a day)

{Note over use of ability could lead to and ranging from extreme lost of stamina, sleeping for days to coma and possible death}

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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