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Octavius was frozen, or completely still. He gaped in horror at the lava that was making its way towards him. He was alone. There was nobody to save him. He thought of Jedediah; he would never be able to confess his love. Who is he to say he would ever love him back? He doesn't even know if Jedediah was homosexual. He always brags about the girls he sees. God it hurts him to hear of it. While Octavius was lost in self pity he didn't realize the lava was right at his feet till now. His feet and legs were dripping down. He was melting. Octavius accepted his fate; he would cry if he could, but he was just wax. The lava creeped to his face, and he finally went under. Just a puddle remained.

Panting, and shaking was Octavius. "It was a nightmare. Just a nightmare." He mumbled quietly to himself. He was staring at his white clean sheets; they never got dirty. He looked around still in a panic. Realizing he was safe he laid down adjusting his thoughts. Ever since the incident with Pompeii he has had continuous nightmares about it. Some were like today's, and others were him watching Jedediah die. Whatever it was he could never escape the feeling of fear, and overwhelming misery. He didn't know he could dream; he also didn't know he could sleep. It was an amazing discovery one of his soldiers had unraveled. Since the discovery he now has fantasies about falling asleep next to Jedediah, his arms wrapped around his waist and giving him tender kisses. He was doing it once again now; it was comforting; he felt safe. Even if the cowboy never loved him back the fantasies might  still fulfill him. He wasn't sure, but he was praying to the gods that it would.

He looked out of his window, and saw his people going about their day. He got out of his bed, and dressed himself in his silky loungewear. Generally he would wait for his personal servant to bring his food, despite not needing to eat, and dress him. However he was independent, and was able to care for himself. Just as he turned to exit his room his servant walked in with his food. Shocked; he jumped slightly. She quickly put the baskets of fruit and bread down and rushed over. "Oh my! I'm so sorry. You didn't have to dress yourself this morning!" She touched his chest and got much closer than Octavius was comfortable with. Yet he was more focus on making himself look calm, and not look like he had another nightmare. "Amanda, you're quite alright." He moved away from her touch and gave a slight smile, though it was clearly unconvincing that it was genuine.

She touched his cheek with a soft look. "Another nightmare..?" She asked. He looked away nodding. He also gave up trying to get her to stop touching him. He could be described as a people-pleaser. Amanda was beautiful, with gorgeous red hair, and beautiful olive skin with green eyes. She wore her servant dress; it could barely be considered actual clothes, but it at least covered her. Octavius thought she looked and acted like an Empress. Though, not his Empress. He felt no attraction to her, but did admire her beauty.  "Oh dear.. I thought the brewery from the Asclepiade would help.." Octavius almost felt guilty for not acting like it would help. "You mean the water in colored plastic?" He asked with slight attitude. He was annoyed with the people surrounding him acting like they were true Romans instead of simple wax figures. That included Amanda who was very strict on her belief that they were actual Romans trapped in an alternative universe. 

"It was true medicine!" She exclaimed. Octavious rolled his eyes, "We are not Romans Amanda, just wax figures." She pouted, and moved away. "No.." She said sadly. Octavius would admit that the tablet's magic seemed to grow more powerful. Everything in the museum that wasn't authentic or real was starting to become more life-like. The animals were feeling more like skin, and the figures were starting to grow bigger. The exhibits that had realized this were steadily growing more anxious. So he sort of understood her belief. However after a decade of Larry working with them, and the experiences they've all had Octavius accepted his place as a wax figure. He just wished the rest of his people would as well. 

He felt guilty once more seeing his servants sulking back walk out. He was going to go after her, but decided against it. He sat down on his rug with the basket and began to eat while watching his citizens. They all seemed so happy; they looked without a care in the world. While his head was filled with worry and fear. he pondered the current state of his life; the if's, and but's. He couldn't deny they all seemed to be growing bigger, and had more life-like abilities. What if they were growing into real Romans or people? What would happen? Would they be forced into real citizens like Larry? How would the world react to that? Or possibly would they all be transported back into "their" times? If so, what about Jedediah? Octavius couldn't picture a life without him by his side. He needed Jedidah. Octavius closed his eyes. He couldn't think about this right now; he needed to find Jedediah. Even if it was too early he didn't want to be alone at the moment.

He looked down at his basket to find he had eaten every scrap of food. "Nerves." He said to himself. He tended to stress eat. He got up and put the basket on the table. He continued to get dressed; taking off his loungewear, and putting on his armor and helmet. He went over to his desk, and found his perfume. Amanda had made it by taking a difficult mission to the outdoors, and picking some flower petal to mix with water. She then gave it to him as a gift on his birthday; the 23rd of September. Maybe she was secretly telling me I stink. He thought and smiled. He knew it was not true though because despite all they could do; they did not have body odor. Octavius pondered what Jedediah would smell like if they did. "Wonderful." He answered his question out loud. It wouldn't matter if Jedediah smelled of cigarettes and alcohol. He would still adore it.

He walked out the door and went down the ladder to the main floor. While he looked around he headed towards the edge of the exhibit. Jedediah and Octavius had set up a system with their people where someone would let down ropes to the museum floor; a soft cushion at the bottom, and a small motor car they fit into. So they were able to safely and quickly exit. He smiled, and waved to his people as they greeted him. Soon forgetting his worries; his people made him feel loved and comforted. Like Jedediah did. Except he knew his people loved him back. Octavius finally reached the edge; Larry opened the glass every night before they came back alive. He grabbed the rope, and made his way down. He eventually jumped onto the cushion, and made his way into the car. Turning it on; he drove to Jedediah's exhibit. He arrived only a minute later. Getting out and shutting the door a little harder than meant he jogged to the cushion, and rope set up by the cowboy's people. He climbed up, and pulled himself up the western exhibit. 

Standing up, and looking around he saw there weren't as many people out compared to his civilization. The few people who were out waved to him. Octavius remembered in the beginning when he first entered the western exhibit. It was horrifying;  they called him horrendous names; threatened him with pistols, and their own fists. He was so scared. Once Octavius and Jedediah started to get along it slowly got better, but the instinctual fear might always stay with him. He entered the pub; the place Jedediah seemed to know best, and the people. He looked for the bartender Julie, and found her cleaning some glasses. He approached her hesitantly, but trying to appear confident. "Well hiya darlin'!" Her strong country accent amused Octavius since he never heard it at home. "What can I help ya with?" She gave a wide grin at him, and he gave a gentle one back. "I'm looking for Jedediah. Do you know where he is?" She nodded, "Why certainly! He's upstairs in room two. I don't think he'll mind much about you poppin' in!" She answered happily. "Thank you Julie." He went towards the stairs and headed up. he admired the wood panel surrounding him. It definitely wasn't as prominent in his exhibit than here.

(hello to anyone reading this! This a short snippet of a chapter I wrote. I wanted to put this on here and see how it does. If it does positive I will continue writing this novel. Otherwise I will move onto another novel. Please comment things you believe I need to change, and things you enjoy. Thank you.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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