The Engagement

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 The year was 2019, and Lucy Caotico found herself engaged to the stunning blond-haired-blue-eyed man from her graduation day. The man, Foster, had found her after the ceremony, remarking that he was very impressed with her speech and found the whole thing hilarious. He proceeded to say that she seemed amazing and asked if she'd like to go out with him on a date. At first, Lucy was taken aback, surprised by the forwardness of the apparent stranger that was Foster Grindstone. But after regaining her composure, she responded that she'd love to go out with him.

Foster, deciding to not take a particularly traditional route, took Lucy rollerskating.

"Do you know how to roller skate," Lucy asked, "because I don't." Foster hesitated.

"How honest should I be?" he questioned. Lucy rolled her eyes, laughing. "Okay! I wasn't sure what to do, and one of my friends told me I should just take you roller skating, and-"

Lucy cut him off, "Foster, calm down. I love it!"

"Oh. Okay, great! Well, shall we start now?"

"We still don't know how to roller skate."

"You graduated Harvard at the top of your class. You can learn on the fly." Lucy couldn't argue with that, and the two ended up having a very enjoyable experience. Later, Foster would say that he didn't regret his first-date-choice at all.

From there, their relationship had a life of its own. Two months and over fifteen dates later, Lucy had moved in with him, still searching for an apartment after college, having lived with her parents in the interim. When Lucy approached Foster about the situation, he immediately insisted that she stay with him. After all, he had half of his king-sized bed that no one slept on. Lucy reluctantly agreed, feeling slightly guilty that she put him in a situation where he felt he had to invite her to stay with him. Foster quickly dismissed the entire concept, assuring her that he was only insisting she stay with him because he cared for her.

Four months after that, Lucy and Foster went on their first vacation, a cruise ship to Hawaii, together. There, Foster proposed to Lucy under the pink and orange sunset on the beach with the deep blue low tide lapping gently at her feet.

Lucy was drinking her champagne when a ring, albeit a cheap one- most likely only plated gold, hit her front tooth.

Getting down on one knee, Foster asked Lucy after professing his love for her and proclaiming more than once that he will never cease to do so "Will you marry me?" Lucy, once again taken aback, felt an odd sense of deja vu to the first time Foster asked her out. But Lucy already knew her answer and was certain of what she wanted.

"Yes!" she replied, and the two did- well, I'll give them some privacy for that moment for they deserve some every now and then and leave you to imagine how the two responded to their new engagement. Just know that the two were over the moon about being engaged to the loves of their lives, at least until, well, I won't spoil it yet. You'll find out when the time is right.

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