Xavias' First Kill

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Warning: This story contains violence and death. While it is not heavily detailed, please take caution or do not read if the idea of these things makes you uncomfortable.


Name: Xavias Mizvoda

Age at time of story: 15

Gender: Cis Male

Species: Water/Ocean/Sea Dragon

Xavias is from the second generation of dragons in the world he comes from, and in present time he is over 2 billion years old due to being immortal. His immortality has nothing to do with his species.


"You dragons always go around saying how powerful you are, so how come none of you ever actually fight?" The giant scoffs. "It's pathetic."

"Perhaps because, unlike some species, us dragons are smart enough to not go around picking fights. Maybe you should try it some time." Xavias replies calmly.

"Tch, seems like you're just making excuses." The giant says.

Xavias sighs. This giant is wasting his time...

He begins to walk away.

"Running away, dragon boy?" Taunts the giant. "Should have expected something like that from a weakling."

He shouldn't turn around, he should just leave before things get out of hand. But at the same time, that'd be proving the giant's point...

"Yeah that's right, run away! It's all your kind is good at."

Xavias stops. No, he's not going to allow that giant to get away with talking about his kind like that.

"You've got a lot of confidence for a guy who probably can't even win a fight." He says, turning to face the giant.

The giant looks surprised, followed by clear annoyance.

"Ohoho, you're going to regret saying that, dragon." The giant threatens, a large club now in hand.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I was you."

Suddenly, a shard of ice stabs the giant in the eye.

The ground shakes slightly as the club drops to the ground, the giant's hands going up to his eye in shock.

"My eye! How dare you, filthy rat!" The giant growls.

Xavias is silent, his expression cold.

The giant picks up the club and swings it at Xavias in a fit of rage. Xavias dodges easily, followed by summoning his sword and cutting the bottom of the giant's leg clean off with cold precision.

The giant howls in pain, and falls backwards into a decently large puddle of water on the ground.

Now severely wounded, and unable to fight back, the giant does not get up. However, it is still alive.

Xavias remains silent, standing over the giant.

"What are you going to do now? Kill me?" The giant says in a rough tone, followed by a cough of pain.

No reply.

"Tch, of course you won't. You're too much of a coward to kill someone."

Xavias sighs.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to, but it appears you leave me no choice." He says.

The water beneath the giant starts getting cold, though the giant doesn't notice.

"Sure sure, as if you actually-"

The giant is cut off, as the water below it forms into ice and stabs it through the chest.

The last thing the giant sees is Xavias turn and walk away, as he speaks.

"You have no one except yourself to blame for your death."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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