The Hill Fight

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TW: Mentions of Sexual Assault 

Third POV 

How did the hill fight start? With Ron Weasley's idea of a "joke". It was an inappropriate comment about Tracy. This didn't sit well with Pansy so she did what first came to mind. It wasn't the best thing to do. So how did a "joke" lead to The suspension of for students.

The Slytherins could hear Ron's voice from far away. He was making some stupid "joke" about SA. Tracy became visibly upset. This made Pansy's blood boil. How can he just sit there making a joke about a real problem.

"Hey Weasley. Why don't you fuck off" Pansy shouted at him. "Piss off Pug-Face" Ron yelled back at her. The Gryffindors laughed at Rons comment. Hermione screamed "Your any better looking". Daphne added "you like a rat crawled out of the garbage". All the slytherins laughed at that joke. "You wanna go? Wanna fight" Pansy threatened. "Oh no! I'm sooo scared. What are you gonna?". 

Pansy walked up to Ron and punched him in the jaw. The slytherins oohed at this. "That's what I'm gonna do" Pansy said. "You little-" Ron elbowed Pansy in the stomach. She sinisterly  laughed then uppercut Ron.

The Slytherins oohed at ever move Pansy made and booed at ever move Ron made. Eventually Pansy got him in a headlock. With her free hand she was punching him repeatedly. Pansy threw Ron to the ground, flipped him over so he was face first. She told him to eat dirt, he eventually was able to flip back over. He made an attempt to pull Pansy down. But all he did was rip off her uniform sleeve.

Ron did end up pulling Pansy to the ground. They were just rolling and fight in the dirt. They eventually got up. Ron pinned Pansy to the tree and suffocated her. She was kicking him. She kicked Ron in the gut and but he still wouldn't let go.

Seeing this Hermione ran behind Ron, pulled his hair and ripped him off Pansy. Ron slapped Hermione, Pansy's blood boiled and she body slammed him to the ground The three of them started hitting each over until Pansy body slammed him to the ground. She straddled him. Then said "This ones for me" she punched him, "This ones for Hermione" she punched him again, "And this one's for Tracy", she punched Ron one last time before he began to cry.

A couple seconds later Professor's McGonagall and Snape came running over to the fight scene. Professor Snape was holding back an in raged Pansy while Professor McGonagall was comforting a crying Ron. "We're calling your parents" Professor Snape said as he pulled Pansy away.

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