" :) " -✝️

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"I have a question guys"

"I swear if it's 'how to make a knot on a rope' to fucking do crazy shit I'm going to kill you"

"Nick, calm down. Xander, shoot the question"

"What is haphephobia?"

"Oh. It means fear if being touched. Why does your curious little mind came up with that?"

"I ran up behind Noya to scare him but he slapped my hand and yelled 'Don't touch me! Haphephobia, rn..' and now he's avoiding me"

"Again?... Alright. I'll go speak with Noya. Obviously something has upset him"

"Will out Noya friend be alright??"

"I'm sure he'll be fine, (fucking ugly shit) Sundrop"

"Eyyo! How y'all doing?? I see you've already started talking."

"Noya, we need to chat."

"Awwee, but I just got here! And I'm busy making a new OC."

"You mean RE-DESIGNIG Zay and his information card?"

"Yes- so I'm busy. Maybe if it's not to important, next time we chat?"

"Fine.. Btw, message from Glitch"

"OH! Okie dokie, see y'all later then!"


"You call THAT much happiness and joy 'upset'?"

"No. He wasn't in a good mood. I could tell."

"You animatronics have weird senses. Freddy somehow figures out Gregory is 'broken' in game. Y'all have some kind of emotion bar for everyone or what?"

"Yes actually! Something like that! Mostly so we can tell if a child is in distress, happy, upset or is in need of any attention."

"Sometimes helps if a kid is in danger or in need of comfort. Helps a lot when it's naptime and easily helps out why the kid may not resting too."

"You guys are some weird shit"

Book For My Alters!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora