Typical day

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I hear my alarm ring and the sound of my parents arguing below me. I get up dreading the day ahead of me. It was Monday August 7, the worse day of the week. I head to the bathroom and get ready and called both my sisters down hollie and Mia, hollie's in middle school, grade 6, she a quiet girl and whenever she's speaking it's not much and then you have Mia, Mia is 19, a druggy and gets high almost every night, my mom says it's cus she's gotten around the wrong people but I don't think that's why but but anyways then you have me Grayson Richardson I'm an average teen I think but I've never had anyone that was my age to be around so I don't really know but any ways I head out

Bye mom I say as I leave I didn't get a bye back as expected I get on the bus and drop hollie off when me and Mia get to the school we go our opposite ways as I'm walking I feel my face hit the ground as I fall face first and then hear billy and his minions laughing at me I just get up and walk away billy is the typical bully, tall, kinda buff kinda and picks on people for  being alive not to mention his parent  are billionaires so he basically boss baby around the school

Billy:aye short stack

I just ignore him and continue walking. Billy follows me. Would he ever go away like just disappear or something!? I think as I hear his footsteps behind me

Billy: I know you hear me short stuff
Grayson:go away billy
Billy:what why
He said in a sobby begging type voice
Billy: i just wanna have some fun that's it i swear

I ignore him once again and continue you walking I see Eli in the distance and our eyes meet he was my best friend ever since the first day here we became close really quickly and clicked like pieces in a puzzle but as time passes the puzzle pieces starts to wear down and stop clicking so perfectly it's like that now between me and Eli we were best friends until he found out I was gay and distanced himself from me we are practically strangers now so I'm all alone again I head to the gym and punch the punching bag as I start to tear thinking about everything that happened to me this year

Billy:short stack

I dry my eye and turn around to my surprise it was billy

Grayson:what billy
Billy:calm down i wanna ask you something
Billy:wanna join the school wrestling team those are some strong punch you threw at that punching bag
Grayson:sure whatever I say as bluntly as possible
Billy:fight me Grayson Richardson
Grayson: uhhhhh sorry no
Billy:why not
As I  was cut off by the bell.....

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