Chapter 3 ~ Unhealthy Obsession

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The next day at school was the start of something unhealthy. Something that will determine my life forever even when I didn't know it. I guess I'm a bit of a background character even in my own story.

The first day with no Edward was strange sure but that wasn't the issue. At lunch, Bella made a big scene in front of everyone causing everyone to look directly at me. That led to me having an anxiety attack thanks to my dear sister setting off one of my triggers. Sense the sarcasm right? Luckily I had Jasper and Rose to help me through it. Poor Jarvis, I couldn't sense him next to me at all as I was so in my head.

The following day, again no Edward. I didn't ask his siblings where he was as it wasn't my business. I did text him once just letting him know that if he was unwell I hope he gets better or if it's a family/personal matter then I hope it gets resolved and I will see him when he gets back. I guess he told his family as they all were giving me proud smiles. Wouldn't any normal person do that to a friend?

The whole school week followed the same routine. Jasper, Rose and Emmett were my rocks throughout it all. Poor Dad was raging every night as he made sure the three siblings kept him updated with stuff that happened. Let's just say he wasn't happy that Bella purposefully keeps setting me up to hyperventilate. Dad made sure she didn't have her phone as punishment, oh I loved that. And with me being in the attic, she couldn't use mine as I locked my door.

Speaking of Bella, she has been following the poor Cullens around like a lost puppy. Actually a puppy is too nice to describe her. She is being a grade A stalker. She won't leave them alone. I can see Rose is about one more comment away from snapping and I wouldn't blame or stop her. Emmett is now wishing he wasn't so tall, just at the beginning of the week he was loving it because he would use me as an arm rest when walking. Bella is causing everyone problems. Jasper...oh my poor Western Jaz. He sticks to me and Jarvis like glue. I think he is getting relief from my canine companion even if he won't say it aloud. I see him petting my golden retriever absentmindedly like I do when I am too stressed. I'm glad Jarvis gets to help more people.

The weekend didn't hold much excitement, just some hiking in the woods. I got Jarvis a lightweight vest for his semi-Off day. Sounds strange but I don't want him constantly working so, on a weekend he gets semi-off days. Where he can be a dog but also keep an eye on me if necessary. Walking in the woods, I've always found peaceful. I met a few animals and they allowed me to pet them before continuing on their way. Jarvis tried to make friends with a bunny or two, poor him he was too excited that he scared them off.

It's Monday now and I get up at my usual 5am and do my morning routine. Getting ready, I decide to dress how I feel most comfortable, that being slightly edgy and in red and blacks. I don't know why those colours but it's always drawn me in. After my outfit is chosen, I decide on my Dad's old leather jacket that he gave me when he found me admiring it when I was younger. Just added some chains to make it more up to date but he doesn't mind.

 Just added some chains to make it more up to date but he doesn't mind

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