Blood-Stained Suit (Vyn x Reader)

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TW/Small Summary: Death, Blood, GORE, Knives, Enemies to Lovers. Kinda. Smut. Main Character is you, Main character is not Rosa. I think that's all please tell me if I missed anything <3

You had been working as a detective in Stellis for 3 years, and for those 3 long years you have been on many cases, but always come back to one man who you just can't seem to catch. One man who is more dangerous and murderous than many others you had seen. 

Vilhelm Richard Albert de Haspran. 

Or; Vyn Richter. 

He had escaped your grasp many different times, even in moments you had been face-to-face with him. Yet he always managed to slip away from you, leaving you more and more desperate to catch him each time he did. 

Tonight, you had stayed late once again, pouring over your notes for any possible sign of him. Whilst doing this, you found old case files outlining run-ins with Vilhelm. 

Case 1: The Train. 

Your first run in with Vilhelm. 

You sat in your chair on the train, a book sat in front of you as you mindlessly skimmed the pages. You weren't working today, you were instead on your way to an aquarium, as you had been working tirelessly on a case for the past month, which you had finally solved, earning you a few precious days off. 

You leaned against the window, it was a cold day, snow gently falling outside the train, adding to the thick layer already on the ground.

You pulled your coat tighter around you, breathing a sigh as your mind wondered to your work once again. There had been many murder cases, yet no suspects at all, they all seemed to be back-to-back, some even in the same households. Yet, they all seemed to have deserved it, in some sick way. The first had been a worker at a lab experimenting with young children. The next 4 had been police officers who had somehow failed at their duties, murdering innocent people. The final 2 had been idols, who upon investigation were revealed to be involved in a sex trafficking ring. 

No suspects were apprehended, and none were going to be.

Lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice a man passing through your train car, he had his head down, hiding his face with his white hair. He was wearing all black, presenting himself well in something resembling a suit, a red tie pulling the look together. He walked into the next cart with no problems, no one stopping him or asking questions, not even a strange look thrown his way. 

Minutes passed in silence, you only snapped to attention when you heard a slight gurgling noise from the next cart. Looking around you, no one seemed alarmed in the slightest. The noise could easily have been brushed off as nothing, a child making noises, perhaps. 

Still, you couldn't get it off your mind. Finally, after a moment of thought, you stood. You headed towards the door, throwing it open. As you stepped in, the door shut gently behind you. You scanned the room, at first glance, it appeared empty, lifeless. 

Then, you noticed the corner. 

Two men, one who was standing, and the other who was sitting against the wall. The one standing was the man from before, but now, his white hair had droplets of red liquid staining it, and the man who was sitting had a look of horror plastered on his face. Yet he was unmoving, his throat slit open. 

For a beat, you stood, in shock, you stepped back, hitting the door, causing the man standing to slowly turn to look at you, hands at his sides as he stepped forwards. 

Now, you could see that he was covered in blood, a knife in his right hand. He had been caught murdering someone, yet he appeared completely calm, tilting his head to the side, a small, almost gentle smile, playing at his lips. 

"Well, Aren't you a pretty thing?" He spoke first, taking more steps forwards, until you finally got a hold of yourself. Your hand digging through your purse for your pepper spray. Within seconds, a pale hand had caught your wrist, stopping your movements. 

Your eyes snapped up as your tried to pull away from him. "Let me go, now."  You spoke firmly, he only watched you with wide eyes, slowly taking a small step forward, trapping you against the wall. "Hello, Y/n," His voice was light, surprisingly quiet as he spoke, his breath brushing against your cold cheeks. He had leaned down, to be almost eye-level with you. 

"How do you know my name?" You spoke, standing up a little straighter as you eyed the weapon he had. 

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