Living Up to a Legend

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How was I ever supposed to live up to your standards?

You are a living legend

An impossible dream brought to life

You made a deal with God

And lived up to your word

The bar already set so high

Perfection is all you asked

The one thing I could not give

Never fast enough

Never strong enough

Never enough

I fought with everything I had

I would have broken myself to make you proud

You cast me aside when I didn't fit your mold

I was left without a path

No dream of my own

Not even sure who I was

I bounced around

Trying anything to fit in somewhere

Changing anything needed

Likes, dislikes

Thoughts, personality

Now I'm just an enigma

There is no real me

Just a blur of all the people I tried to be

The only thing that stayed the same

Were the expectations I couldn't live up to

Self-destruction all I know

Fighting every day

A war that cannot be won

Living Up to a LegendWhere stories live. Discover now