Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"That was real nice of you to forgive Gilbert," Diana Barry said to Anne Shirley. "I never expected you to, honestly!"

Anne looked at her bosom friend with a light grin upon her face. "He called me carrots; do you know how bad I felt? Mrs. Lynde once basically called me ugly; saying I had too many freckles, that I was too skinny, and my hair was as red as carrots! I forgave her though; Marilla kind of made me. I guess it was the right thing to do, to forgive Gilbert."

Diana softly nodded and looked at the sky then back at Anne. "It was the right thing to do. You did, after all, thwack him over the head with your slate. Oh, Anne, won't Marilla be angry?"

"I forgot all about Marilla! Mrs. Lynde is sure to tell her about the slate incident-you know Mrs. Lynde. Oh, Diana, what shall I say?" cried Anne rather dramatically.

"It's alright though, Anne! He forgave you about the slate, right?" Diana asked, walking with Anne.

"He didn't exactly say he did, but I suppose so. I forgave him, too, so I guess all is alright, right, Diana?"

Diana and Anne said no more to that one subject as they continued walking back home.

"Did you see Josie Pye staring at Gilbert though?" asked Diana suddenly, stopping in front of Green Gables.

"Yes, I think I can say I did. Prissy Andrews and Mr. Phillips are so romantic around each other. He insists it's just to help her study; tutoring you know, but we both know they're practically in love. Ruby Gillis seems nice, though," Anne simply states, seeing the door to Green Gables swing open.

"Oh, that's probably Marilla! She will be so angry about the slate. I must go, Diana, until tomorrow!" Anne bid Diana goodbye and ran to Marilla.

"Anne Shirley, yes, I heard all about your slate incident. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Marilla Cuthbert inquired of Anne.

"Do not worry, Marilla! Gilbert Blythe and I are friends now. The slate incident was because of my hair. He called me carrots! I am so sensitive about my red hair, as you know, Marilla. I can imagine anything else away, but my red hair? I simply can't! It'll always be there. It's so dreadfully sad, Marilla," Anne sighed a little too dramatically for Marilla's taste.

"Nonsense," Marilla snapped at Anne. "Your hair is no excuse for your temper, Anne Shirley."

"I'm truly sorry, Marilla. Gilbert Blythe and I, like I said earlier, are friends now. We forgave each other," Anne simply said again. Marilla and Anne said no more to the subject for the rest of that day.

"Where's Anne? She's been in her room all day!" Marilla exclaimed as Matthew looked at her.

"Well, now, I bet she has a good reason," Matthew Cuthbert simply said, looking up at Marilla, sitting at the table.

Marilla heard a knock on the door and she put the dish she was drying down on the counter and walked to the door. Carefully opening it, she saw none other than Gilbert Blythe.

"Hello, Miss Cuthbert. Is Anne here?" Gilbert said and looked up at Marilla.

"Yes, I can say she is. She is being stubborn; she has been in that room of hers all day probably daydreaming. It's nonsense. You may go see her, though," Marilla simply said and pointed her index finger toward Anne's bedroom door.

Gilbert simply nodded with his hands in his pockets as always. He made his way past Marilla and marched up to Anne's room.

The door was closed so Gilbert softly knocked twice on the door.

"Please, go away Marilla. I'm in the depths of despair!" came Anne's muffled cry.

Gilbert Blythe slightly frowned then soon answered back. "It's not Marilla; it's me."

Anne's head popped up from under the covers as she gasped, her freckled cheeks tear-stained.

"Gilbert!" Anne cried, sliding back under her covers again. "Please go away. I'm in the depths of despair!"

Gilbert instead pushed the door open and saw a lump under Anne's covers.

"Anne," Gilbert said with a teasing tone.

Anne slightly uncovered herself, which ended up with Gilbert throwing off her covers.

"Anne!" Gilbert exclaimed dramatically. "Your hair is green!"

"I dyed it," Anne cried, wiping her tears away. "He said it would turn my hair a splendid raven black, but it didn't! I know it was wicked to go behind Marilla's back and do such a naughty thing, but I just wanted raven black hair-like Diana! I didn't know it would! I simply can't imagine this away!"

"Well, now I can call you cabbage...," Gilbert said in a joking tone.

"Gilbert Blythe!" Anna said, jumping up from the bed, her green hair flopping up and down. "This is no joking matter!"

Gilbert stifled a laugh then looked at Anne in a joking-serious matter.

"Okay; okay. Can it...wash out?" Gilbert asked, placing his hands at his sides rather than his pockets.

"I don't think. He said it would stay in my hair. Oh, I wish it would've turned my hair raven black!" tears started to form in Anne's eyes again. "Marilla will be so angry! Would you tell her to come up here? I'm scared to tell her myself. Please?"

Gilbert laughed at how dramatic Anne was being but simply nodded and walked out. He saw Marilla Cuthbert walking up the stairs to Anne's room.

"Anne won't come out?" Marilla inquired. "This is nonsense. Is she sick, or is she just simply imagining things?"

"Miss Cuthbert," Gilbert said politely, folding his hands behind his back. "Anne would like you to see...something."

Marilla shook her head and walked into Anne's room. "Anne Shirley!" Marilla exclaimed. "Your hair is green!"

Gilbert slipped out of the room so Marilla could find out why her hair was green. He made it to the door and slipped out of Green Gables.

Marilla had to cut Anne's hair, which left Anne rather sad and dramatic. Matthew claimed she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen, but Anne simply denied it.

Anne went to see Diana the next day and Diana was simply surprised.

"I dyed my hair green by accident," Anne said softly as Diana had a horrified expression. "I thought it would turn my hair raven black-like yours! That simply failed, for my hair had to be cut because it would not wash out. Gilbert Blythe was the first to see my hair green."

"Oh, Anne!" Diana said dramatically. "I promise not to tell anyone why your hair was cut. I bet Gilbert won't tell anyone either."

"He better not!" cried Anne. "Josie Pye would never let me live it down. She's a Pye-she would call me cabbage-head! That's dreadfully awful, isn't it Diana? My hair wasn't even like a cabbage. It was worse-a sickly green color! I tried to imagine it away, I did, but I can never imagine anything about my hair to be good. Oh, when my hair grows back, do you think it will be auburn?"

"I would like to think so," Diana said with a nod. "I hope it's auburn-it would make you so happy."

"It would indeed," Anne said dreamily. "I just hope Gilbert doesn't call me cabbage or carrots anymore!"

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