More Fuckery part uno

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A group of survivors are working out on an oil rig in the middle of the desert. The desert is blisteringly hot and the crew has recently run out of water. They grab their guns and head into town to try and find some. When they arrive they find the town. They all wake up to find that your camp in ruins. Tents are on fire, and broken tools and supplies litter the sand. They are under attack from a group of mutant creatures.

You look at your companions. They are all dead. The creatures have torn them apart and eaten them. You are the only one left.

> Dutchko throw a Smoke grenade and run.
You run and throw a smoke grenade as far away from the group as you can. The creatures on the ground don't see it, but the mutants still see the orange cloud and retreat.

> Cardinal fires with 12 inch naval artillery.
You watch as the shells from the gun above land all around the mutant horde. There is a loud explosion as a shell hits and you see a huge fireball rising into the air.

> Cardinal runs.
You rush back to the rig, and see that the mutants are retreating. There is still a large number of them, but they are moving away from the rig.

> Cardinal fires more shells.
You join Cardinal at the gun above. You aim at the retreating mutants and fire.
After a few shots the mutants are running away from the camp. You watch as the last of them runs off into the desert.

> Dutchko open fire with Dutchko's AS VAL Assault rifle towards the Mutants.
You take aim and fire at the mutants with your AS VAL assault rifle, killing them all.
You watch as the last of the mutant bodies fade into the distance.

> Cardinal says, "Nice job, Commander"
"Thanks," You say.
"We need to get that helicopter refueled and get the hell out of here."
"Yes, Sir," says Dutchko.

> Dutchko says "Thank god Cardinal We need to link up with itpa-7 contractor group"
You head over to the helicopter. You see that the refueling tubes have been ripped open.
"What the hell is going on?" You say.
"I don't know, but I will find out."

> Cardinal heads down the oil rig in search of what could have caused this.
You head down the oil rig in search of what could have caused this attack.
You walk along the walkway, shining your flashlight around.

> Dutchko join up cardinal .
You reach a large metal door, which leads to a long hallway. You shine your light down the hallway. It leads to another door, with the number "2" written on it.

> Cardinal "I wonder what this was used for"

> Dutchko says "I don't know and I don't wanna find out"
You open the door and shine your flashlight around. The room looks like a dorm room, but with a cot and a desk. There is also a large gun safe.

> Dutchko run to the gun safe And open it.

> Cardinal "Why did they have guns..."
He looks around.
You shine your light on the gun safe. You notice a bullet hole in the door.
You open the safe and pull out a single ammo box. You open the box and find a large ammo bag.

> Cardinal cardinal starts walking back to the helicopter.

> Dutchko says "Hey man Wait up"
You turn around to see Dutchko running after you.
"What's wrong?" you ask.
"There was a gun safe here, but it's gone now."
"What do you mean? What happened?"

> Dutchko says "It just dissolved "

> Cardinal says "You mean, it just disappeared into thin air?"
"What the fuck?"
"Yeah, I know, it's like a fuckin' bad dream or something. Did you find anything out about what's going on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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