They Fight

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Why do they Fight?
My soul cried in vain
How do I hide my fright?

Sometimes I wish it would bring light
Everyone has embraced pain
Why do they fight?

Many suffered from sleepless night
Afraid to see these soldiers gain
How do I hide my fright?

What can we do, what is our plight?
My heart is broken in twain
Why do they fight?

Just when I ponder if they are right
They lost their heart and brain
How do I hide my fright?

Countless innocents strive with might
Sorrow is filled like a train
Why do they fight?
How do I hide my fright?


Author's Note:

Poetry pattern is Villanelle. It is a 19 line poem consisting a rythmic pattern of:
aba from 1st to 5th stanza and abaa.

The 1st and 3rd lines in the first stanza are repeated in alternating order throughput the poem, and appear together in the last couplet (last two lines).

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