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Groaning and slurping was heard somewhere down the hallway. One of the scientists was walking there with his airpods plugged in and a cup of coffee in his hand.

Reaching infront of the door with a label "The Experiment". He proceeded to open the door. But he didn't take a step forward, neither a step backward. You can say his mind stopped working. And there it was, the person from the test chamber was out. Looking nothing like, he was before. The experimented guy was sitting on the floor in a weird way with a vast amount of flesh between his teeth, apparently of the staff, lying on the floor. The staff's back was completely mutilated.

The moment, that scientist entered, the thing whose skull was crushed with a gaping hole in his body cavity, lunged towards him and bit his shoulder. The scientist screamed in agony trying to get the not so human thing off of him but eventually he fell to the ground.

The experimented guy who looked not so happy for getting experimented, was now walking through the hallway of their lab. His whole body looked contorted and bones looking like they were almost gonna pop out. Reeks of blood were swaying through his mouth as he dragged himself down the hallway.

Why did he have to work so hard?

The bones of his arm were visible, out of the non - existent skin, his brain looked like it was gonna fall off anytime soon. His face was giving a grotesque sight. He was going to do whatever he was assigned to,

Because oh boy that guy or is he even a guy? was not giving up. If he will stay alive, he can surely tell his kids, that with so many difficulties, he still not gave up.

The staff member which he ate a while ago, started having convulsions on his spot and soon enough he started getting up.

Oh experimented guy, you had one job.

The things started dragging themselves and lunged towards whoever was a breathing living human being. And it didn't take them much time to create an army of the dead.

The entire science lab, to the entire town, followed by the entire city and eventually the entire country. All the other countries, banned the transportation here, neither can anyone get out nor get in. They didn't know what happened but when one of country's airline stopped responding and their units investigated, the news was all over the world. Separated by the oceans, closing off all the borders, the other countries were safe. Because the deadly living creatures didn't know how to swim,


It all went wrong because some dumb "scientists" were trying to bring back people from the dead.

How cool right, now you can return from the dead but you have to get eaten by a nasty smelly thing first. Who smell like they never took a shower. They didn't even have to bite someone, sophisticated people like Ryan's family, will die by just smelling them. Nasty Ass Shits

Ryan, a guy from a really really wealthy family. Who got his parents bitten from those things has been trying to find humanity if it stills exists. He has been hiding in a supermarket's storage room.

How he got there? don't ask.

Ryan, a fine guy of 21, didn't like to talk much. With his buttoned up shirt, with nothing but spots of blood on it, creating a very cool white-red shirt for him. The only bad thing was, he could smell that red thing everytime he breathed in. His hair reaching a little below his ear, and from the front side, reaching his eyebrows. Straight silky hair, which he hasn't watched for two days. It was easier for him to run away, when one of the dead ass thing looked his way and started running to eat him, his long legs helped. Getting the height from both his parents, Ryan, as a 6'2 guy was really a chick magnet. There was nothing much he couldn't do, he knew how to cook. Do we still need to go ahead?

Its been over 18 days since The Outbreak and 2 days since he lost his parents. He was the only child, so now he has no one here. The servants and maids were also infected leaving not even a single sane person for him. Fortunately or unfortunately he escaped safely.

He has been trying to reach out to his only friend and people who have not turned into psychos yet. It was just today when he got the idea to send a message to all the people having sims. So who doesn't have a sim? Exactly no one.

He subtly went out of the storage room, peered over the table looking for any harm or


When it was made sure that there was no one, he opened the door of the car which he saw while rushing into the market. He's been planning this for 2 days, and now, either his plan will succeed brilliantly or he will fail miserably.

He checked under the seats and in the trunk if there was someone, who was planning on getting a free ride with a torch which he got from the storage room. With a crowbar which he found there somewhere. Turning on the engine he started moving towards his destination.

He was well known with the routes, driving straight to the Franchise, after getting there, he saw bundles of bodies lying over each other and the creepy half - bodied people lying there. They were sleeping.


All he knew was he was going to send a message, at any cost, it would be easy. His father was in the same field, in technology. But he wasn't really interested in it, since he was handling his grandfather's business which was now useless. But his sharp thinking, deciding and leading skill was something. When he finally accessed to the computer, he started writing:

"Hey, this is Ryan. If you are reading this message meet me tomorrow night, 2 am, at the ***** Carefully without drawing much attention"

After that, he searched for some high place. He wasn't sure if those things could climb. But he was a little sure that they won't become climbers when they see someone in the literal meaning out of their league. Stopping his car near a 1 story house, he jumped to the roof from the car's roof, straight up there. He checked the door, it was locked. Sighing loudly,


He stopped midway from sighing when he heard something from the road, now, sighing lightly, he closed his eyes and put his phone on vibration. Set an alarm, and went to sleep.

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