Chapter 1

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Ryan's POV:

We entered in a warehouse with an enormous space, driving for about 30 did get us somewhere. It is nearly outside the city. My friend Cade's dad used to be a S.W.A.T commander in Law enforcement. Yeah used to be, he died too. Everyone here who i have talked to lost all of their loved ones. I don't even know the reason why we are still trying. I don't have a reason to try but i am trying to survive. After meeting at the location, as we all have decided. Cade got in with me and handed his car keys to someone else. Then decided to drive here with Cade's instructions.

The warehouse seemed perfect for the situation right now. Its guarded atleast, and away from the city. Away from all that violence, chasing, running, and hunger for the human flesh.

Everybody was looking around the area, we didn't check if anyone was infected because ofcourse if they were. They would have turned by now. I wanted to trust them and i wanted them fo trust me for now. Because we are all we have got right now. It will be a little less lonely when we will have each other.

"We need to make a platform from where everyone could listen to us" I said to Cade. We had to work as a team right now, or we will lose everything. 

"We can place those racks horizontally on the ground, that could help" Cade said. I nodded and we both went to take the racks. After setting up 3 racks, it was enough for us to have a whole view of the people.

"Attention please!!" Cade announced and the people who were roaming around to have a look at the warehouse, gathered infront of the platform. 

"Although we are sure that this warehouse was abandoned for years and no one ever came here so its safe, but we still have to look around, so we can be absolutely sure that no one here is infected. And from now on, none of us will go out there alone or without informing us. This is a matter of life and death. If any single one of us won't be cautious, it could be threatening for everyone standing here right now. Now everyone stay there while we inspect the warehouse." I announced.

I won't call myself a leader, but i do have the qualities for it. If you don't have someone to stop you from something, or someone who just have a grip on you, everything will be ruined. And there will be, chaos.

I pointed at 6 people who will be going with us to inspect, so we can do it more quickly and safely. I chose wisely because, 1, we don't need anyone who isn't healthy and strong enough, 2, to survive this life, you have to get above the basic human techniques. Although its just been a few days since this started. It has spread so quickly, that i am very much sure that every one minute, almost 100 people are getting infected.

After we 8 of us were gathered, we started moving in line towards the left directions. It is quite big, the warehouse, there are high chances of getting lost.

"Are CCTV's installed here?" I asked.

"Yes, there are. But i don't know if they still work" Cade said.

"Lets go to the security room after this" I said and everyone nodded. There were 11 rooms here and i think enough for everyone.

"Its the security room" Cade said opening the door. It was jammed so he had to kick it.

I tried to turn the lights on in this room because it was pitch black, some of them turned on and some were flickering.

"There are many things we need to fix here" I said. 

"Yes. No one stepped in here for 5 years" Cade said.

"I think i can do the CCTV's" A guy said looking at the computers, in his western clothes. 

"I can too. I can handle the maintenance of the computers. That's what i have always been studying about" Another guy came forward.

"Were you still studying?" I asked.

"Yes, few days from now on, was my graduation day" He said.

Wow, its like dying at 99.Not reaching the goal of 100.

"What's your name?" I asked everyone.

There were 2 girls and 6 boys including us. 







At that, me and Cade looked at each other with confusion written all over our faces. Never, literally never heard of that name. Did her parents, by any chance mean to write gay?



Me and Cade introduced ourselves too.

"Alright guys, we need to do something. There are many of us down there. We can't afford to lose anyone anymore. And have to do something. We need to get the needed things here tomorrow night"

Thinking fast, quickly taking actions was much needed at this moment. Or else, you will be one of those things.

They all nodded and we went downstairs. The warehouse had extremely big gates and infront of it there was a spacious free area, on the left there was 5-6 rooms with armory in it, separate from the ones we were all resting in. There were many things needed here, and if we can't go out there. We had to make a world in here. And by any way think about getting out of here, out of this country.

I went up at the stage again with Cade and Dutch.

"Line up everyone please" I asked them. They all lined up again.

"The rooms and the warehouse are completely safe. We checked each and every room. The entire warehouse is soundproof. It might still not be that comfortable but tomorrow morning some of us will go to get the required things. If you want anything you can write it down at the pages that Cade and Dutch are holding" I told them. They came one by one and wrote the things. I knew that in the morning, those things were almost harmless, limping very slowly. But there were still many chances that they could attack you, especially if they are more in number than your own team.

"Who do you think you are to tell us what to do?!?" A guy yelled. 


"I don't care who the fuck you are. I will do what i want to!!" He yelled again.

"Don't. You. Dare" I said each word clearly and slowly, eyes piercing right through him.

"It's not just about you anymore. You can't do anything till we tell you" I clenched my jaws.

This guy is pissing me off.

"Bullshit" He said and went to one of the room. 

I looked at him sternly until he was out of my sight.

"Now please choose your roommates. 5 will be for one room. The rooms are big enough to accommodate 5 people. If it still doesn't fit then we will think about it later. 1 of your roommate will be the person who is assigned to you. There are 10 rooms excluding mine. Ofcourse i won't be staying alone" 

All of them were now in a group of 5 excluding their supervisors. 

"Cade, Dutch, Ava, Daniel, Jason, Oliver, Fay. Please stand between each group. " They did what they were told.

"We need 3 more people to guide the groups. Anyone wants to join? Since one of you is already in the room. Each one of you will be a group of 4" I asked.

Instantly 3 more people came out.

"Introduce yourself please" I asked them.




"Stand between them please. And show them their rooms. Its on the right side, upstairs"

Soon enough they all were gone. The lights of the warehouse's rooms were off now.

I went to sit on one of the wooden box. I don't know what's happening. All i know is i have to make it out alive. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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