Unexpected X Meeting R

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Shit, fuck! That blond bitch has the farthest score apart from us and he got meters, meters! It wasn't even close to a killometer! Killua stopped himself from pulling at his hair. This students are weak! Weaker than Leorio!

Gon also seemed to have noticed it since he was staring off into space with a blank look on his face. Blonde bitch stomped his foot on the ground and walked off while growling at his lack of numbers. A few more students went next, each score made Killua angrier at his stupidity. And that stupid old man hiding behind the wall is mumbling so damn loudly!

The only reason he hasn't blown up was because of Alluka and the hand Gon has on his shoulder!

"Killlua Zoldyck. You're next."

What now? Eraser is definitely keeping an eye on both of us. If i make my score lower than Gon's, by meters then Gon will receive all the attention. But it's such an absurd number, I can't get meters when Gon has kilometers.

Maybe they will separate us, since Gon seems to have phenomenal talent. And we haven't hidden our relationship, people will get even more curious if my score is lower...


He turned to Gon with a frown.


Gon grinned.

"Winner eats your stash of chocolate."

Oh fuck no. I grabbed the ball, activated God speed and threw it. Smirking at Gon who stucked his tongue at me.

"11 killometers..."

Killua placed his hands on his hips, smilling smugly at the shocked and envious looks the students gave him. Slowly walking back to Gon. Everyone swore they could see a white cat tail swinging behind him. He sneered in front of Gon, ready to rub his victory all over his best friends face.

"You were amazing Killua! So cool! The best! Strongest person I know! You're so amazing! My best friend in the whole world!"

Killua blinked at each compliment. His face growing in temperature every second. He knew everyone was looking at them. Putting his hands behind his head, trying to hide his face with his elbows.

"Baka! You're embarrassing me..."

He stood next to Gon without paying attention. Missing the gazes the girls gave the two of them. Especially a pink girl who was smiling weirdly. The next student was called so they had to suppress their curiosity.

Killua yawned without covering his mouth. So Gon took the opportunity to throw a chocolate coin inside like a hoop. Gon knows him so well.

A gust of wind blew by them. Killua didn't bother to open his eyes since it was weak. So Gon started narrating what's happening.

"Izuku got the same score as the blond b-"

"Don't say that word."

He could hear Gon pout. Making him smile.

"A higher number. Just one higher. Which makes him third after us-"


It sure is noisy. Gon described what he was seeing since Killua kept his eyes closed.

"Eraser stopped blond b from attacking Izuku and he's calling someone."

Oh shit. Is it the government? Killua placed his hands on his hips since there's no pockets on this stupid uniform and kept an ear out.

Thankfully, he just called recovery girl. Something about Izuku breaking a finger. I don't know I don't care. He heard Gon gasp. So he opened his eyes and followed Gon's eyesight. Seeing a tall man in a dark blue suit walking beside some robots.

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