Chapter 1

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The autumn breeze sent shivers down my spine while walking down the sidewalk towards the nearest clinic. My heart was racing, beating out of my chest, as my hand was wrapped tightly around the pregnancy test in my coat pocket. I tried to find a subtle breathing pace, but nothing seemed to calm me down. I was too eager to find out if this was real or not, I must have been dreaming. At the age of twenty two, this is when your life finally begins: bar hopping, careless one night stands, binge drinking on the weekends. I didn't expect all of this to come to an end so quickly before it became fun.

My pace continued to quicken until I was in front of the clinic door. I didn't have a doctor in Boston at the moment, so the closest related clinic to planned parenthood would do. I closed my eyes and opened the door, warmth greeted my rosey cheeks. My body began to shake as I anxiously walked up to the front counter.

A youthful woman looked up, greeting me with her crooked smile. "Good evening, do you have an appointment?"

I was shaking to the point that my words were barely audible. "I-I need to take a pregnancy test."

The woman's eyes widened once she recongized the fear within mine. She nodded her head and began to type away on her keyboard. My lip started trembling as time went on, fear taking a grip onto my body as I realized how realistic this was. The lady started taking down my information quickly.

"Name?" She quietly asked, remaining professional.

"Rose," I choked up. "Rose Vivian."

She tapped away against the keyboard before grabbing something underneath her desk. She placed a plastic cup on the counter. "You are all signed in, if I could have you use the bathroom to your left that would be great. We just need to confirm the fetus."

I nodded, using my other hand to grab the container. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stared at myself in the mirror, the dark circles and puffiness underneath my eyes from crying for the past few hours. I looked exhausted. My hair was matted from the windy walk here and my cheeks were bright pink. I sniffled and proceeded to follow the lady's instructions. I washed up my hands and wrapped the sample in some paper towels before walking out and placing it on the counter.

"Thank you so much, Rose. Have a seat. Dr. Irving will be out shortly," her unsettling crooked smile made me nervously smile back. She took the sample and placed a sticker on it before walking away.
Nobody was in the clinic's waiting room. This was good and bad in my opinion. It was good because I didn't feel judged for being a young, irresponsible adult, but bad because I didn't have a distraction to focus on. I couldn't people watch in order to calm the anxious butterflies floating around in my stomach. My hand went back to the pregnancy test in my pocket. I prayed for a false positive. I know I have always heard that a false negative is rare, but a false positive is almost impossible. I prayed to any God that would listen to me, they never have before since I grew up with no religion within my household but I was hoping someone would help save me from this catastrophe.

I pulled out my phone, hoping to distract myself while waiting, checking to see if anyone messaged me.

New Message: Kristina
Bitch! Mr. Hottie asked me on a second date tonight. Maybe you could call up your recent boy toy for a little double date action? ;)

I shook my head at the message. Kristina has been my ride or die since freshman year of college.

K, I can't tonight sadly. I think I am coming down with strep or something.

I slid my phone into my pocket once I heard the door open. A tall lean woman walked out of the doorway, her hair slicked back in a bun with loads of hairgel and black frames that sat on her perfectly. She looked over at me and smiled. "Rose? I'll have ya come back with me, please."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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