chapter 2

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A light dusting covers their cheeks at the unexpected statement. The atmosphere was tense, they obviously weren't used to her accepting and dominating attitude. She would admit it, she loved to make little boys feel insecure, she loved putting arrogant guys in their place, and she loved seeing dominant men submit to her. It was just so fun seeing their eyes tremble with uncertainty as they struggled to escape from her grasp, not unlike Ayato's current position.

Laito shivered in anticipation. This girl was already so different then the others, having her around was going to be so much fun. Subaru blushed a bright red at her very suggestive words.

"Second," suddenly Ayato was no longer in her lap and she was no longer on the couch. The brothers quickly searched around for her. Only to see her standing next to Reiji with a pen and pad in hand.

"How much would you be willing to sell Subaru for?"

"Eehhh!?" was Subaru's not so mature response.

With unexpected speed, her question was immediately shot down.

"I'm afraid he's not for sale at the moment. Besides, even if he was, it would not be my place to do so."

Her gaze narrows at Shu. "It's not me either."

She turned her back to them and muttered something the brothers could hardly decipher.

"Damn, looks like I need to have a word with your father sooner rather than later."

"Little bitch~ you've got me curious. What makes you want to buy our littlest brother~?"

She turned to look at Laito as if he was crazy. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, why pick the dearest little Subaru out of all of us~?" Subaru glowered at the nickname.

"Are you blind? Running into some mental deficiency? Did you hit your head somewhere? Just look at him!" she pointed to whatever feature she was currently speaking about. He was slightly taken aback by her enthusiasm.

"Red eyes like that are a serious treasure! White hair with just a hint of lavender is a once in a lifetime chance! A slightly feminine heart shaped face that would make him look like an angel if he smiled! A slender figure that isn't overly bulky or has extra fat, and not too tall either! All the girls and hell, even a few boys in my hometown would flock to him like vultures to a dead carcass in the savanna. I knew at least a dozen girls that would willingly fight a pack of wolves for a strand of his hair, in fact, if even one of you city boys stepped one foot in my home town it would take less than three seconds flat and I guarantee not one person would have any protest in sharing their tent!"

Reiji, who was the only one who understood that the last part was more than face front, coughed lightly into his hand.

Charlotte, who realized she was ranting, cleared her throat before trying to change the subject. "A-anyways, the name's Charlotte Feedudeu, I'm an only child, and I guess I'll be staying with you guys for a while. And although I wouldn't mind sharing a room with one of you, I do have to ask if you have a spare one I could use."

"I shall have a room immediately prepared for you." Reiji pushed his glasses up with his middle finger, which she was pretty sure he did on purpose.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ayato trying to make a run for it.

"Oh no you don't."

She grabbed his wrist before slinging him over her shoulder again. "And where do you think you're going?"

"Tch," Ayato scowled. He then tried elbowing her in the back, but she didn't so much as flinch.

"Oi, knock it off will ya?" she said before spanking him. Ayato made a face that looked eerily like a cat that heard they were going to have a bath and let out a quiet 'eep'.

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