Little Feather, Big Change - 1

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The sun slowly lowered itself below the horizon, creating a rose and coral view of the sky, as golden and crimson leaves fell from the branches of the park's trees. The cold, autumn air caused the fake rose, that sat upon a bench, to shiver, as she wasn't wearing a coat. "Jeez, it's cold out... If only people wouldn't assume I was a bird if I wore a coat," Fake Rose said past her chattering teeth, "It's so stupid how they hate them anyways, magic isn't evil." "Yeah, I agree," another object spoke up, "Hey Fake Rose!" "Hey Paw Pin," Fake rose replied, "how have you been?"

"I've been good," Paw Pin answered, "I've-" She was cut off by a loud "swoosh", a shadow quickly passing over them, a feather falling to the ground, and something crashing into the many trees next to them, startling the two of them. Fake Rose picked up the feather, it was dark grey, with a yellow shine to it, orangish yellow petals below the main part. "Yo, what the fuck was that?" Paw Pin asked. "A petaled raven!" Fake Rose exclaimed, not very loud though; she didn't want anyone to hear. "Let's go check on it!" Paw Pin said, quietly.

The two walked past the trees, an unidentifiable light shining through the bushes on the forest floor. As they kept walking, they noticed an injured "object", A sunflower; feathers covered its neck and wrists, showing it wasn't truly an object; it was a petaled raven. It kept a firm grasp at its bleeding arm, letting out quiet whimpers as it laid on the floor, looking as though it was about to cry, a few of its wrist's feathers stained a dark crimson rather than their usual grey. "You poor thing," Fake Rose whispered as she walked towards the bird that currently looked like a flower. She gently grabbed its injured arm, scaring it. 

"L-LEAVE ME ALONE!" it shouted, the pain being audible in its voice, although its arm too weak to pull away, "YOU OBJECTS HAVE PUT ME THROUGH ENOGH SHIT!" "Hey, it's okay," Fake Rose said, "I just want to help. It may hurt a little, though." "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO ME!?" it continued shouting. "I'm just going to treat your wound," She explained, "I promise I'm not trying to harm you." It looked at her with a scared look in its eyes, as she looked back with a calm, caring expression. It noticed her face as it relaxed a little; she didn't actually seem like she was trying to hurt it at all. "Now remember, it's going to sting a little, but it's only helping, okay?" she said as she started to treat it's wound. It flinched, but stayed calm, lowering its arm as the bandage was placed on it.

"Need help up?" Fake Rose asked, extending her arm out. "No. I'm fine," it said as it stood up, "thanks anyways." "Hey, take this," Fake Rose said, handing it a hoodie, "It'll cover up your feathers; no one will try to hurt you." "Thanks," it said, putting it on. "So, what's your name?"  Fake Rose asked, "Petaled ravens have different names that aren't the type of flower they are, right?" "Lionheart," it said, "I was named that because some tend to see a lion in me. It must have been because my petals looked like a mane, or something... even though I'm female... But just call me "Sunflower", I don't want to be hunted down again." "Of course! Call me "Fake Rose", by the way," she said, happily, "and my friend over there is Paw Pin!"

Lionheart looked at Paw Pin. "How long has she been there-?" Lionheart said. "Whole time," Fake Rose replied. "Hey! you're pretty," Paw Pin smiled. "Thanks..." Lionheart said. "Is it true you guys come from the "Mystic Canyon"?" Paw Pin asked. "Yeah," Lionheart answered, "I haven't been there in about 13 years, though, and I'm 15 now." "Oh, well... C'mon! you probably need somewhere to stay, right?" Fake Rose said as she started walking away, the other two following her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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Birds of a Feather, Flowers of a Petal // WIP object showWhere stories live. Discover now