head cannons

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I didn't expect this book to get past like 12 reads but im at 39!? Thankful thought this Fandom was dead asf anyways I don't have a new part ready so ima tell you some headcannons that I have
Jack frost headcannons-

Jack can shape-shift from animals to people to different forms of himself I got this idea from mythology and jack frost being related to shape-shifting

He has body issues because of that one year we're people were body shamming his body type but it ended, it still hurts when he hears stuff about it tho (love your body no matter what)

Jacks gender is? I can't tell like I wanna make him enby or trans but I think I'll keep him cis gender for the story

Jack is a walking corpse/ghost basically, he died and is also referred to as a spirit meaning ghost/dead

He reads a lot because of free time

His favorite color isn't blue it's orange because it was his sister's favorite and he didn't know why he liked it so much after he died but I could say it just stayed in his continence then when he saw his memories he figured out why he likes it so much

Jack doesn't need to eat because he's dead but he would still try seeing if he could gain some weight because of the body dismorphia

Jacks favorite holiday is Halloween I say this because it makes little to no sence and it's kinda funny, North once Implied that Christmas is jacks favorite holiday and then jack said no it's Halloween and North was emotionally damaged /j

He totally knows how to speak Shakespeare English and has a slight accent but got rid of it when spending time with people without one it only comes out when frustrated

He can speak a lot of languages

He fake laughs, like he can controll if he finds something funny very easy because he's heard alot of humor and jokes over the years but he thinks he should laugh alot at things that aren't even funny because he's the spirit of fun

He dissociated once at a meeting and so he didn't blink and was just staring really hard at something thinking of snow things and durring a meeting He dissociated while looking at bunny and bunny thought jack was giving him the death stare cause his face was just blank

People assume jack is very irresponsible but he's not because he's very good at meeting deadlines with snow and his job never missed a day except his first 10 years because he was still learning

He considered mother nature as his mother and the goddess of snow/ice also as his mother which I will make a story on eventually

He is a very good drawer some how he gets bored alot so he can draw with ice and snow like have you seen this man's beautiful frost paths

Side note jack is so pretty like his ice blue eyes and his pretty fluffy hair

He's can regulate his body temperature but it's extremely hard and makes him slightly tired that's why he trys to stay out of warm climates

Once sandy wanted to try and hug him because Jack looked really sad but sandy hates cold things and he didn't want to hug him but decided to anyways, the reason Jack looked sad was because he was tired from trying to regulate his body temperature to extremely warm on accident then sandy hugged him and got burnt, like his a little part of his sandy looked like when you cook surger. If this makes sence good if it sounds weird forgive I don't know how to explain in

Jack has no fashion sence what so ever and he would be an indi kid and I also wanna make him pastel goth but Ima make him an indi kid

Jack has horrible memory

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