I'm going to the Malfoys' for Christmas

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I'm so sorry I haven't been writing much lately, High school sucks

Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months. Before I even know it Christmas Break is upon us. 

"And you'll write every week?" I sigh dramatically and laugh.

"Yeeeees Georgieeeee I will everyyyyy weeeeeek. Can I go now?" 

"Fine." George pulls me into a hug and ruffles my hair affectionately, "I'll make mom send you a sweater."

"Yeah, the most hideous sweater she can make!" Fred gives me a quick hug as I turn and climb onto the train. 

I sat down in the compartment next to my fellow Slytherins. Blaise and Pansy sat across from Draco and me. Pansy glances out the window at the twins retreating backs and scoffs.

"Honestly Lupa I don't understand why you hang with those filthy blood traitors, they completely disgrace you. And their reputation-"

"I think they're fantastic, so you might as well drop it now Pansy." I cross my arms and stare out the window. Draco sighs.

"Pansy why do you always have to bring that up? It hurts her feelings."

"Right. Her image though! Those Weasleys will be her ruin!" I glare at Pansy and roll my eyes

Not to mention mine!

"Honestly Pansy the only reason you care is because you have to be seen in public with me whenever you decide to fawn all over Draco." Pansy glares at me, speechless.

"Something from the trolley dears?" I glance at the compartment door and shake my head. I don't really want anything. Draco stands up and buys a few things. When he sits down he hands me a chocolate frog. 

"If you get a good one I might trade you."

I sigh as I glance out the window. 

I wish I could go home. 


"LUPA! Welcome! Welcome! I'm so glad you decided to join us for Christmas!" Narcissa smiles at me and guides me into the front hall of Malfoy Manor, "Do you need anything? Refreshments? A drink? Do sit down-"

"Narcissa- Give her room to breathe, she's only jut arrived." Lucius steps through the door and nods to me with a smile. 

I smile nervously, "I - I don't mind..." 

"Come on, come on, come see the parlor! I'm so proud of it!"

Narcissa leads me into the parlor. The room is covered in different shades of white and grey. A tree stands in the corner. I smile at how similar it looks to home. Funny how different two places can be, but still exactly the same.

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