A tear part one

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"Pan, I wonder what was the specters creator?"

"I don't like to think about it, let's not."

"I won't use it. It killed Roger. I won't."
She cuddled Pan to her chest, he was in the form of a tabby cat. He mumbled words of comfort. It was the alethiometer's fault Roger was dead.

"Lyra you know that's not true. It just didn't tell us everything" Pan tried to be reassuring. Was it helping? Not really.

There was only one way to find out if it would tell her the truth again. The whole truth. A way to see if Lyra trusted it or not.

Who created the specters?

Morgana Pendragon.

Who was she?

The last high priestess and triple goddess of the old religion.

That was a good question who was Morgana Pendragon? The last high priestess and triple goddess of the old religion?


"I can't do this!" Morgana exclaimed, she didn't want to kill her sister.

"You must," Morgouse insured. "Please sister let my passing be one final gift to you." She rubbed her sisters hand in circles as she pulled herself up on the alter.

Morgana didn't want to.

Morgouse seeing this, dug her nails into her sisters flesh drawing a line of blood. Seeing Morgana wince, she whispered. "You must, you don't want them to think you're weak? You're a high priestess now, soon to be the last. This is your fate your destiny. Please sister, if you do not I will die being disappointed in you. I will die in the hands of our enemies. Don't you want them to suffer?"

Morgana knew she had no other choice. The moon had come out shining the scene like a spotlight.

There was no other choice.

Morgouse handed Morgana the dagger. A fine blade with feathery birds carved into the handle. Morgana wiped a tear from her eyes. She had cried multiple times after Merlin poisoned her. She didn't want to, Morgouse thought crying was weak. Her whole childhood was taken from her and now her her innocence that came from the stolen childhood from Uther Pendragon was gone too.

"What you are going to do sister will effect everyone, it will bring our enemies to their knees. You'll have to be strong Remember that sister. " Morgouse insured her as she now lay completely on the alter waiting.

The felt strange to Morgana to look down at the person who are truly understood her and know in a couple seconds she would die.

Morgouse maybe could see something else in her eyes so she continued: "do not be scared. There's nothing left for me now."

Nothing suggested an empty void almost like an abyss waiting to drag down everything that holds you dear.

The Shadows that emerged between the moon and the sky came into the the moonlight creating an strange fog but instead of being white it was as black as the evil that would soon corrupt Morgana soul.

It was now or never.

Morgana held the dagger up before her face. Her eyes flashed gold. Her magic was strong too strong for her to handle almost. She needed more training but would never get it and maybe that's what led her to her doom.

"Eala leofu sweoster paem gastum befaestc ic Pe. Alys pa poester pe inne onwunap. Ongunne Dwolma!"

Metal hits stone.

The spell was complete. Morgana was flung back by force and just lay there like nothing had happened like an empty void almost like an abyss waiting to drag down everything that holds you dear was occurring.

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