
105 0 0

vee:thx you

masha:ah np luz or how is you're name

vee is shocked

masha:i have you see with you're friends you had tranfoms or so
so who are you

vee:ok i am vee and i am a basilisk ok


vee:had you no afraid

you are my friends vee you are cool and cute

vee blushed:heh thx ^^

masha:where is the other

vee tell masha where luz and luz friends and luz mom camila
a portal go

masha:why go you not with the

vee:i am not ready ok

masha:i understand for you vee

masha take vee hand

vee blushed

masha:haha you are so cute you brushed

vee:ugh shut up

both talk

masha help vee

vee:i have to camila job say

masha:don't worry 😌

vee give masha

doctor voice:hello

masha:hi here is the friends from noceda family
i want him say that camelia noceda at abuleta is
she stay ähm

vee:1 year

masha:she and his daughter stay 1 year ok

doctor voice:ok thx young lady


masha hang up

vee:you are so cool

masha:ah i know
can we


2 day later

river:hi masha and vee

vee:you too
masha 0-0

masha:hey i have the both say

river:yeah stay cool vee


go cafeteria and talk

vee:hey river sam can we talk alone


vee:as i masha knew and and i am crush on she

same:i knew it :D


river:masha had the same
masha like too at you dude

vee 0///0:oh wow

sam:yeah come on ask them



vee:hey masha


vee:listen you are really cool and kind and and
do you want to go out with me

masha:awww i want say but yes

vee;great ^\\^

masha:so his we together


vee and masha hand to hand

1 week later had the both a date

vee:you want that i at you life

masha:yes vee
my dad found ok

vee:but he had no idea that i a basilisk

masha:come with

next day

masha dad:hi vee masha had me all tell and don't worry i promes that i you proetced and this Jacob Hopkins want i him hurt what he you make had
he is a freak
plz come pure

vee:thx sir

masha dad:np and all the best my little ghost

masha –\\\–:dad

vee smile

vee life at masha his 1 months
and masha and vee his together

vee work at masha
but later had the free
the go

vee and masha talk and laugh
as river the both hello say

next day

both look sunets

vee;thx you

masha:np vee

vee and masha 0//0

masha kiss vee
vee kiss back

vee:oh my titan

masha:i cant not believe that i make had


both laugh

masha:i love you

vee:i love you too masha

both hand to hand

that is the end this story

the end

vee x masha Where stories live. Discover now