Chapter 2

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A/N: Fuck you Myngxy you fucking whore how dare you flame my story?! You heterophobic shitass <3


When Thiddy-chan and I got to Sakura Hills High School after walking and chatting, we saw Kuwa-senpai flirting with lots and lots of beautiful shojo.

"And then I made the winning throw all the way to the other side of the football field~" he bragged.

"Sugoi~," One shojo cried. 

"So dreamy," Another one said with Uguu eyes.

"I never get tired of that story!" A third one added.

Hoe-chan, Kuwa-senpai's younger sister and the most popular girl in our grade was there too.

"Yeah, isn't my nii-chan the most kakkoii ikemen in all of school, desu ka?" She boasted.

I turned my attention back to Thiddy-chan. Who was telling me a funny story. 

"And then I said 'I am on a diet, desu! That's why I got a diet Ramune!"

I couldn't help but laugh, Thiddy-chan is so cute and funny.

"Oh, Thiddy-chan, you're so funny, desu!"

We started laughing together, it was moments like these that make my kokoro go doki doki.

I saw a twinge of jealousy in Hoe-chan's eyes as Thiddy-chan and I walked to our first class.

"I sense someone kawaii! More kawaii than me! She must perish!" She cursed under her breath.

Kuwa-senpai also looked over all amused before heading to his own class.

When we got to class, I sat down in my seat. I looked to the front to make sure my precious tomodachi was doing okay up there.

But it didn't take long for Sensei to come in and address us all.

"Class, today we have a new student! Please welcome Thiddy-chan!"

Thiddy-chan shyly addressed the class.


"Thiddy-chan, you can sit in between Kaito-kun and Edge-kun," Sensei told her.

I was so happy! I get to sit right next to her!

As she sat down next to us, Edge-kun, who was sitting on the other side of her, scoffed.

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