Fanfic Intrusion

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Badyah sighed with a wide smile as she read a book. The title read "Deep in the Woods" and the cover was decorated in red vines blossoming from the dark background. Vampire's fangs laid over the words.

"So gothically romantic!" She squeezed the book against her chest, while letting out squeals of joy. She twirled in a circle, and came to a stop in front of the audio equipment. Her eyes held a gleam with hearts shaping her pupil.

She closed her eyes and then glanced at her phone that read 12:20 a.m. on the table.

"Norma's late. Hopefully she won't mind if I read ahead. Let's see our notes," Badyah ran her hand over a large stack of pages clustering the table.They crinkled under the red lighting cast in the room from the standby symbol.

A dark worn book skewed off the stack and landed with a loud thud on the equipment. Lights flashed on the machine with a light turning dark.

"Oh no! No no" Badyah steps away from the machine and picks up the book. She then hits the off button several times. Hands fidget from pressing all over the keyboards. Her eyes scan the ground for a cable.

She dives for the plug and pulls.

The lights go off.

"Nothing broken," She sighed, and began to lift the papers. Tiny shards fell on the ground.

"I might have to replace that," she said wincing from a cut on her finger.

She flips open the book to see a page covered in red symbols.

 'Make your dreams come true'.

"Make your writing come to life in front of your eyes. Breathe life into the white divide. Woah. This sounds ominous. It'll make an amazing part for the podcast."

She closes the book and reached for her own.

"Usually Norma does the casting for the show. It won't hurt if I for once try and practice. It's not like it'll respond to my incantation. And I don't have magic," she says pulling out her pencil and writing into her notebook.

"All I need is my fanfic and this small chant," Badyah says with excitement.

"Here's to better voice projection!" She begins to chant.

"I seek the dream. Write away blessed words. Come to life their souls. Take on positions close to me," she says with gusto standing in the room.

A grand wind floods the room and lifts her fanfic up. The brown book merges with it to then land on the table. Glass shards fall across the rug.

"I'm going to replace everything. Norma is so going to cancel the podcast," she said in a panic voice.

Her phone rings with the caller ID showing Norma's name.

She shoots forward and yanks the phone off the table.

"Hello, Norma. What! No podcast. I understand. You want me to return it today or. Okay. I will drop it off there," Badyah says she then lifts the book.

"I might have done something to your book because it ate my fanfic. It's not funny Norma," Badyah says in exasperation.

"When you put it that way. It does sound a bit funny. But good thing it was a rough draft. I'll see you soon," she says hanging up the phone.
"Here you go. We had the episode planned, and well we can postpone a little longer. I'm going to bring something on set as a surprise." Badyah said in a high-pitched voice, while handing over the book to Norma.

"I can't wait to see you're surpise. I needed the book because I wanted to study it more in case," Norma stops and her eyes look down at the ground. She grips the book.

Badyah solemnly nods.

"Take your time. The podcast can wait. I'm here if you need to talk," Badyah says before Norma lifts her gaze to give a sad smile.

"Thank you. Badyah. You're a good friend," Norma says and quickly hugs her.

Norma closes the door behind and the elevator dings to let out a Vampire with a metal arm walk out.

"You ready for training. My brother is on some dumb adventures and we have his side of the maze free."

"Yeah. I can't wait to actually get progress. Let's go," Norma says giving a warm smile to the Vampire.

Zagan follows the human into the elevator.

"Are you sure you want this? No human has attempted what your about to do." Zagan presses the fourth button.

"I lost a friend. I won't let those angels take anymore" Norma says lifting the book up and flipping the pages.

Zagans face holds a bewildered expression.

"Love? That's been awhile since I heard that. Most would do so for power or money. How will this book achieve you're revenge ," she squints at Norma.

"I prefer the sentiment. Eye for an eye," Norma said with a finger pointing straight in the air. Zagan laughed.

"Whatever you say, human."

"Anyway, Badyah said the book acted strange. But so far it looks the same," she said when the doors open to reveal Bathmos.

"After you," Zagan says bowing to the exit.

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