Chapter 20

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Pov Emery

I was sitting in the front of the office, I was next. My appointment at 10:30. Ava had just dropped me off and I kinda wanted to leave. I was so nervous.

Everyone said it would be good for me but I just don't want to talk abt it with someone. I am fine. But no one believed me. After Ava and Is fight a few weeks ago Ava told on me to my mom so my mom freaked out and told me to make an appointment with this psychologist so here I am.

The door opened and she was nothing like I thought she'd look like. She was sweet looking, and her room smelled like vanilla kinda, sorta what Ava's mom's laundry smelt like at home.

"Hi you must be Emery?"

"Yeah" I said standing up with a smile. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad.

Pov Ava

I had to practically drag her here this morning. There was no way I was leaving the parking lot and allow the chance of her walking out.

I set up my homework and got comfortable for the next hour. I finished up some of my literature homework and I looked at the time. It was 11:45 and she still hadn't come out.

hey lovey when you are done i'm parked up front

I sent letting her know I was here in case she was waiting inside the office. The door opened a few mins later and she looked found my car then walked over. She was playing with her hair tie. Oh no.

She opened the door and I turned to face her.

"Hey baby" I said and she smiled

"Hey" she said sitting then kissing me. She held my cheeks in one hand, she held them close to her, "thank you for telling on me" she said and I kissed her again

"It was good?"

"Better than good" she said relaxing in the chair, "but now can we watch a movie and cuddle"

I looked at my watch then nodded I had 4 hours till my class tonight and I finished all my hw.

We got to the house and she laid down and cuddled into a blanket. I grabbed water and put them on the side table before snuggling beside her. I combed her hair back. Her hands inside my shirt holding my sides. The movie ended and I looked down at her and she was sound asleep on me. I looked at my watch and I had a hour before class. I took a photos of us cuddled and posted it to my snap. I immediately got a slide up snap from Kimaya

I half swiped,

hey i want to apologize for the last year and how i've acted. you and Emery are actually so cute. I hope college is going well💕

I laughed slightly and unsliding and leaving her on delivered. Em moved slightly and I put my hand in her shirt on her side and she squeezed me tight.

Pov Emery

I've been in therapy for about 4 months now and I was honestly so happy, that and my schedule wasn't as wild because swim was over meaning more time with Ava and my friends and parties and everything I truly looked forward to in college. I had grabbed these colorful flowers at the store for Ava and I was surprising her with a fun date to this new art museum that just looked so pretty and then dinner afterward. She knew we had a date but not where to. So I was very excited. i was wearing my hair half up half down with the top pulled loosely into a pink clip to match my pink top. I had a tight pink top on - one of Ava's favorite - and then these light washed jeans that fit me perfectly adn then small pink sandals.

I knocked on her door holding the flowers and she answered the door. She smiled at me looking me up and down, "Gawd freakin damn" she said. She must've been on the phone with her mom.

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