Out takes/Omakes 1

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Take Nothing here serious, this is just humor.   DarkMidnightDragon gave me a few too so enjoy. If you ever want to donate some just us the wattpad private message inbox, Curious how long would take to get a part 2

Take One:

"Can we have panc..."

"The Souls of the inncent."

The deity siblings turned as one to see who had just answered the question, and screamed and ran out of the house.

"What?" Slenderman Sans asked confused.

Take Two:

And Blue created a huge Gothic castle, barely hanging on on a cliff side with a lava lake below.

"Brother.. you have issues," Amethyst said.

Thunder and lightning rumbled.

Take Three:

"Wait.. shouldn't there be unicorns?" Amethyst asked.

"Weird, I added them in but they never arrived, Blue said confused.


"Go Forth my army of Stab horses!" Error cackled, sitting on the back of a huge and mean looking unicorn that brayed for blood.

The multiverse quailed in fear.


"I'm sure its nothing to be worried about," Blue finally said.

Take Four:

"Can we have panc..."


The deity siblings turned as one to see who had just answered the question, and continued to stare.

Error Sans stood on the kitchen table like a cat, hissing and clawing at the wood.

"Brother, I'm so happy you got me a cat!" Amethyst squealed happily.

Take Five:

"Can we have panc..."


The deity siblings turned as one to see who had just answered the question, and continued to stare. The rather purple Unicorn stood there, staring at them unhappily.

"Look you called for Unicorn, but you got me.. feed me at least and get me home."

Take Six: Donated by  DarkMidnightDragon

Blue stared at the ceiling, regret clawing at his soul.

Outside, in the forest, flashes of neon and rainbow lights were on display while the Caramelldansen played at an impossibly loud volume. The unicorns needed to go.

Take Seven:

"Can we have panc..."


"I didn't add for a doorbell.." Blue said walking to the door, opening it he blinked.

"Excuse me, we seem to be lost. Can you tell us how the get home?" a dwarf asked, there were six more of them and carrying a glass casket with some dead human girl in it.

He slammed the door shut.

Take Eight: Donated by  DarkMidnightDragon

"Can we have panc-"

Blue paused.

"Something feels off..." Amethyst frowned, "but I can't tell what it is..."

The two tried to find out what it was that felt so wrong, but found nothing.

Oh well.

Take Nine:

"Mwaaa ha ha!" Amethyst laughed.

"Just how did they invade," Blue cried, watching as his sister blasting an army of teletubbies that had popped into there woods.

Take Ten: Donated by  DarkMidnightDragon

Blue squinted. Yeah, something definitely felt off, along with a weird sense of deja vu.

Did this place somehow reset? That's not possible though.

Investigation is needed.

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