How To Grind Specialty Coffee Beans - OKBF

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The freshly roasted coffee beans are at your doorstep, now the secret of a great coffee cup lies in grinding those beans properly

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The freshly roasted coffee beans are at your doorstep, now the secret of a great coffee cup lies in grinding those beans properly. Indeed the grinder is the most important piece of equipment for your coffee brewing, as this will decide the flavor of the coffee. Also depending on the grind, the grinder, and the brewing method, the taste of java will be.

Always prefer to have beans over instant coffee to have the fresh level of assurance that wouldn't come with ready-to-have pre-ground coffee.

It is always considered best to have coffee beans and grind them just before you brew them as it won't only ensure freshness but also it ensures that the flavor isn't destroyed because of exposure to the sun. Read on to learn how to grind the beans.

How To Grind Specialty Coffee Beans - OKBF

There are various machines that are available in the market to choose from, this selection can be done according to your comfort.

Blade Coffee Grinder

These are the coffee grinders that the majority of us are most accustomed to using. They are readily available almost everywhere and grind the coffee with a quickly rotating blade.

The fact that this kind of coffee grinder is readily available and reasonably priced is by far its greatest benefit. The issue is that an uneven coffee grind results from a blade grinder.

Large and small particles will frequently coexist in the same grind. You'll probably get a cup of coffee that is inconsistent as a result. It can be challenging to consistently obtain the same results from the same coffee with a blade coffee grinder.

Flat Disk Burr Coffee Grinder

Two quickly rotating discs are used in a burr coffee grinder to precisely crush the coffee.

The flat discs sometimes heat up and alter the flavor of the coffee, but this grinder consistently produces a very fine grind.

Conical Burr Coffee Grinders

This kind of coffee grinder is typical among coffee establishments. The slower operation of the motor prevents overheating of the device. The coffee is perfectly ground by the conical discs. With one of these devices, it's simple to get anything from a coarse grind to Turkish ground coffee. Despite being more expensive, the return is always a flawless grind.

Hand Coffee Grinders

These hand coffee grinders are for people who want to ensure they can brew wonderful coffee even if the power goes out. They were once commonplace, with one hanging on the wall in every home, but they are no longer in vogue.

The coffee cannot be heated because there is no motor.

A manual coffee grinder can provide an extremely fine grind. The main drawback is how much effort is required to obtain a cup of coffee. You'll get a terrific morning exercise from a hand grinder because coffee beans are tough and difficult to grind.

Coffee Grind Types

When it comes to coffee, grinds, and roasts are sometimes confused.

The grind is the degree of coarseness, ranging from coarse to pulverized, at which the coffee is ground. Depending on the type of brewer being used, the coffee grind is selected.

The roast is the temperature and length of roasting time used by a coffee roaster. Although you may purchase green coffee beans and roast them yourself, most people choose to purchase pre-roasted coffee beans. You should think about the kind of coffee brewer you're using when determining how to grind your coffee.

How Long One Should Grind The Beans

The size of the coffee beans matters more when grinding them than the amount of time. To ensure that the intermixing of water, coffee, temperature, pressure, and time during extraction—the process—is done correctly, your coffee grounds must be the right size and extremely consistent. When extraction fails, you can immediately tell.

Although your brewing process determines the appropriate level of coarseness, the flavor might degrade in one of two very obvious ways: either sour taste (from too-coarse grounds) or bitter taste (grounds are too fine).

Depending on the brewing technique, the general rule of thumb for grinding coffee beans is:

Espresso: Espresso requires the finest grind, about the size and consistency of cocoa powder, and uses pressure for extraction.

Drip or Pour Over: These brew strategies channel the coffee and need a medium drudgery, about the size of harsh sand.

French Press or Cold Brew: Preparations extricate through coordinated submersion of the grounds in water and need the coarsest ground, about the size of enormous salt gems.

When you have new beans, clean water, and a strong processor, everything without question revolves around securing in your toil and blend strategies and building a propensity around it. Consistency whether it's water source/temp, amount of coffee, or grind size is vital.

How To Choose The Right Coffee Grind?

In general, the finer the grind, the stronger the flavor. For a standard "American" cup of coffee, it is standard to filter the coffee to medium grind in the coffee maker. Finely ground beans are ideal for espresso machines that use high-pressure steam to brew coffee.

No matter which grinds you choose, the key to success is an even grind.

Select The Perfect Coffee Roast:

Now that you have all the basic knowledge about the grinding process of coffee beans, let's move ahead with the best brand of java beans in the US. OKBF is one of the most premium coffee bean companies and here is the range of products for you to choose from.

Mornin' Kick

This is an aromatic strong roast that is from the exotic lands of Columbia. It has hints of Brazilian Nuts, Grapefruit, and Oak. The best pack for people who crave strong coffee.

Midday Stroll

These tempting, tantalizing, and flavorful coffee beans are bold and have the essence of brown sugar, hazelnut, and plum in it. These beans make your afternoons blissful.

Chill thirty

It oozes tones of smoky raspberry, anise, and dark chocolate. This exotic blend is from the farmlands of Brazil. Something that you will crave to chill with in the evenings.


Grinding's number one rule is to have freshly roasted coffee beans with you. And OKBF Java beans provide the best beans from different regions of the world. The crucial step should be done carefully. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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