"Claire...You forgot.."

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I made my way into the parking lot of Mckinley High. 

I drove my car into a parking slot near the end of the parking lot, looking at everyone through the window.

Looking at the school cliques. The emo's, The Artists, The Drama Club students..and of course "Them"

"Them" was the popular kids of Mckinley High. They Ruled the school. If you tried one bit to bother them, they would screw you over.

I looked back at my steering wheel, stopping the car in the slot.

I took the keys out of ignition and sighed to myself. 

I didnt want to get out of the car, I wanted to stay in the car and mope about harry. The most confusing but insanely beautiful boy. I wasnt ashamed to admit it. He was gorgeous.

I scowled to myself and grabbed my things from the back, making sure I had my lacrosse stick. 

I made my way out of the car, I felt the winter cold breeze kissing my cheeks, as I closed the door behind me.

I put my backpack around my right shoulder and grabbed my lacrosse stick with my left hand, walking toward the entrance of the school.

As i made my way into the school i saw a glimpse of curls with my left eye, harry?

I turned quickly to the left side of me, but saw no one. 

Instead I saw "them" looking at me with a look that read, "ew.wierdooo"

I smiled fakely, grabbed my backpack straps sturdier and walked away to the entrance once more.

I reached the entrance and clutched my hand over the doorknob, feeling the coldness of it.

As I opened the door, I saw a hand creep in on my right, shutting the door infront of me

"Uhm excuse me?" I said turning around sternly, as I turned around the first thing that came to mind was harry.

UGH HARRY. THIS BOY. I just spent a few minutes with him and he was driving me insane!

I finally took full look in at the person in front of me, a full head of curls, green emerald eyes, and a fabulous grin.

"Hey love"

"H..h..harry!?" HARRY what was he doing here! SO I HADNT IMAGINED SEEING HIM! 

"Claire" He said with a nod of his head, and opened the door once more with his right hand, he showed me the way in with his left hand, gesturing for me to go in.

I walked into the school slowly, trying to forget I saw him and walk to class.

I sped my walk looking at everyone in the hallway, busy on their phones or in their locker, or snogging their boyfriends or girlfriends.

"Wait Claire!" He shouted over me

I turned around sternly, letting the warmth from inside the school wrap me in one.

As I turned I saw him with wide eyes, a hand over his mouth.

Everyone in the hallway had turned around, once they took in the sight of him, half the girls in the hallway screamed their heads off.



Every girl,shouting from my left to my right, and occasionally a boy..*A/N LOL peace to boy directioners*

I sighed and turned to my left and saw my reflection in the glass of the office door. 

I shook my head to myself and put my hair to the back with my left hand.

How Does a Heart Beat?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora