I Once Was Alive

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I don't even get what I did to deserve what they call... life...

I was just some pile of matter existing...

Being dead like the rest of the universe wanted me to be...

But then under the perfect influence of energy, the matter said...

"hey let's get together and make the most complicated and long-lasting chemical reaction we can conjure"

And now I feel...

I am happy... I am sad...

I am warm... I am cold...

I am comfortable... I am dreary...

I am pleasure... I am pain...

Worst among this chaos there are more...

More, like me...

But even more not like me...

As time goes on interaction with others is inevitable...

More Chaos consumes every action between... us...

Entropy accelerates as the universe tries harder and harder to kill me...

It swoops in and takes the ones with whom I interact the most...

I am compelled to run as the universe reaches out...

But I think... why... why do I run from what the universe wants me to be


The most painful and chaotic side effect of this miracle is not wanting to leave it behind...

I become lethargic and collapse to the... earth...

I look ahead and see more... many more... running...

I look back and see it... Death...

Whether I accept it or not...

It is inevitable...

I greet it like a friend...

Chaos recedes...

I am put to rest...

I am at peace...

Dark Philosophical PoetryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ