DeathBattle: SpongeBob Vs Super Friends Aquaman

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Frostwing:well... I knew this was gonna be a stomp. But man that was a even bigger stomp then I expected

Abyss: yeah, even they knew Super Friends Aquaman was gonna lose badly and admit he didn't have a chance. Even the advantages and disadvantages showcased this. Heck even Wiz wanted to believe he had some good feats

Crystal: I think Wiz might've broke when he saw what SpongeBob was capable of to especially the String feat

Saffira: I believe you're right about that, though that ending was a sad one

Frostwing: yeah, and SpongeBob did give him proper grave to saying he is number 1. Even the speech he give to aquaman was wholesome.

Abyss: though overall, I get this is a joke battle both exactly sure where to put this

Frostwing: I have to agree probably have to watch everything again to see where I'll put this now let's see what's ne-

Frostwing: I have to agree probably have to watch everything again to see where I'll put this now let's see what's ne-

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Frostwing:YESSSS!!!!! Jason Vs Michael! It's finally happening!

Abyss: So it's Finally here, one of the most highly requested horror matches

Frostwing: I called this happening! Adam Aswell! And most likely a majority of people knew to! 13th episode of S9! and coming out on Halloween! And was heavily hinted in DBC! Man I'm so excited to see this happening. It's gonna be a good Halloween episode

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