Part 6

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When Lucy came down the stairs and into the kitchen, Holly was washing her hands at the sink. Her friend turned the water off, wiped her hands on a towel, and tried to smile at her. Lucy felt her heart tighten and she took a deep breath as she walked in.

"You should have told me it was Nick's house," Lucy said.

"Would you have come?"

"No. But I was not prepared for it." Lucy crossed her arms. "Why can't you let it go?"

"Let what go?"

"That I'm not interested in him."

Holly smiled and leaned her hip against the counter island. "Who are you trying to convince here? Me or yourself? Because if I recall correctly, you're the one who knows what he's like without clothes on."

"A big mistake and I don't intend to repeat it."

Holly smiled. "Sweetheart, quit beating yourself up. So you slept with the man. You're attracted to him. I mean, who isn't? Look at him! You'd have to be blind not to be. You need to stop punishing yourself. It's been over with between you and Scott. You need a new man."

Lucy rolled her eyes and walked out, not even wanting to get her point across. Hank was grilling as she walked past and a few people were standing around talking. She caught sight of Nick walking out to greet his guests. She walked past the garage and down to the empty lot. She took a seat by the grass and stared off into the clouds.

Her emotions were eating her alive and it was everything she had to keep herself together. She didn't know how to make sense out of this. She knew she should move on, but the thought of another man breaking her heart made her run for the fields. Especially a man who could hold her heart as tight as Nick did and she'd only spent a night in his arms. Was it worth breaking her heart? Was it worth starting over?

She knew Scott had no problem moving on. She'd heard news of it from around that he'd remarried and was living the life he'd always wanted; a pretty wife to hang on his every word and to show off to his high life friends. She'd never been into that and couldn't imagine what kind of woman would. But apparently there was someone out there for him. That meant that there had to be someone for her.

But was she able to make that jump? Could her heart handle it if Nick suddenly called it quits? Tears burned her eyes as she thought all about how much she'd suffered when Scott left. She'd been torn to pieces and her soul had dried up to an empty shell. She found herself weeping in the corner of the house unable to stand or eat for days. It had hurt so much that she thought she was literally going to die. Could she do it a second time around?

"I guess tonight is the night that wins all awkwardness." She turned her head and saw Nick coming toward her. In his hand was a bottle of beer and his eyes weren't gleaming as they were earlier. He sat down beside her without asking and took a long drag of his beer. He was quiet and somehow that bothered her.

"What's wrong? What do you mean by awkwardness?"

He looked up at her. "I wasn't expecting that you would show up tonight. When I did see you, I nearly missed a step coming down."

"Look, if my being here is bothering you—"

"No, it's not. You being here was a good surprise. I have to admit something to you."

Lucy frowned. "What?"

"You're going to hate me more, but here goes. I wanted to see you, but you weren't taking my calls. So Hank came up with the idea for me to throw a housewarming party to get you to come."

Lucyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن