1st time meeting

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Krist pov:
Flashback *I am so fricking bored why does he have to leave me here.....AAAAHHHHH I HATE YOU PHI*
huphhh...eh? Oh! Hi! As you all may have know I'm krist! Krist perawat.nice to meet you! So you guys may be asking, what am I doing shouting like a crazy person in my-sorry in me and my husband's bedroom?

Well funny story is that my husband had to go out to meet his friend since it's been a long time that they havent catch up on things...Now you might be wondering "then if it's just about that why are you screaming in the bedroom like a crazy person?" I'll tell you,you know how my husband have to catch up with his friend? Yeah? Well apparently his so called "friend" used to be his ex-bf! Now you might ask again "So? What's wrong with that?" Well,if you must know his ex bf was the hottest person in the school,ig you could say he's popular? Well enough of that.

Now the real problem starts here you know how I told you he was my husband ex bf? Yeah,that's the reason I don't trust him. Even the reason they actually broke up is bcs he's too flirty to everyone! And definitely too flirty for my liking!

And the reason I'm mad? He.wont.bring.me.too! Like excuse me mister? Do you have no idea that your wife is jealous? Yeah I'm jealous (but I don't have the guts to tell him) Oh wait I never said his name yet right? Well he's singto. Singto prachaya

Sheesh...was that so hard to bring me too? Ahhh nvm no use stressing over it... I guess it's better for me to just go outside...

It's evening and the the weather is breezy... Hahha what a nice day to go for a walk...well until I accidentally bumped into someone that is quite...how do you say it? Rude.

"Oh shoot I'm sorry... Here I'll help you up!" I offered when the stranger said "Ah shit.that hurts you dumbass!" He said" don't you ever call me a dumbass again you motherfucker" "whatever" just as he was about to stand up I pushed him again "wtf is your problem?" "The problem is you didn't say sorry" "why should I say sorry? You were the one who bumped into me,then you insulted me" "Ha.ha very funny,for your information lovely mister, I already said sorry,even offered to help you.you were the one who acted like an ungrateful brat! and also as far as I am concerned weren't you the one who insulted me first kid?"

"Do.not.call.me.a.kid you monkey! I thought you oy had an ugly face never thought an ugly attitude too" I was shocked. Did he just call me a monkey? Said I'm ugly? This bitch-

"Oh Yeah? At least I don't get angry like a mad person to someone who offered to help me"

"Bla bla bla"

"Fuck you."

"Yeah? Well fuck you too"

"Hahaha no thanks I already have a husband that already fucks me very well"


"bla bla bla whatever bye2 I'm going first~oh btw here some coins to help you. After all my mother taught me to always help the poor no matter little or much"

End of krists pov

Nanons pov:

I really didn't have the mood today my husband is gonna meet up with his ex bf! And now I just bumped into someone that has a very ugly personality

"bla bla bla whatever bye2 I'm going first~oh btw here some coins to help you. After all my mother taught me to always help the poor no matter little or much"  he said before going away

Does he think that I'm a homeless person or something? Gosh I fucking hate him I hope I never meet him again.
Oh and btw I didn't introduce myself yet haven't I? Haha sorry, Btw hi! My name is nanon. Nanon korapat .
Ohm pawat's "wife". Well don't ask me abt that ok? He just calls me that that I get used to it.

*Back to the story*

Since the meeting with that dumbass my mood is now ruined, not like it wasn't ruined before but he's making it worse

Well whatever at least I'm home now

"Honey!! I'm back!"  Ah that voice

"Yeah whatever welcome home" I replied coldly he doesn't look to amused to see my reaction but he continued anyways

"Anywayssss! Yknow that ex bf of mine?" *of course I know you stupid husband* Well..he arranged a double date for us!" Wait what...?  "Huh?" I said He then continued "well apparently he's been married for like five years now and now he wants to meet both of us!"

"Ah.ok"  well it can't be that bad right?



Oh no what's gonna happen now? These two finally know e/o

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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