He's Kamoshi-done For

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-Monday, May 2, Early Morning-

Today's the day... The board meeting. I'm barely able to sit up from my futon before I hear very familiar, terrible Japanese.

"Good morning, Sakura-san! Get a catboy!"



I chuckled and got dressed in my uniform, stretching out a little. She's so weird. Once I was downstairs, I felt it was only polite to greet her.

"Mmmh~ Mornin' Melody" I greeted mid-stretch.

"Hi!~ Morning!" Melody waved to Boss "Bye, Sakura-san! Have a good time!"

Boss chuckled and told her "I'll try"

I think she meant to say 'have a good day', but it must've come out wrong. He let us go, and we quickly made our way to Melody's place. When we stepped through the door, it smelled so good in the kitchen. Cinnamon... Brown sugar...

"Small table... But sofa! Yeah? Yeah?"

I smiled at her warmly and told her "Yeah. Don't worry. By the way, what's that amazin' smell?"

"Oh! That's my dad making breakfast. He's making his cinnamon roll pancakes because today's my mom's day off and yesterday was my birthday but she couldn't have them cause she worked so early and I wanted to have them on a day when she could have them too, so... today. Today is when it's happening"

Jeez... She rambles a lot. But that's fine. Kind of annoying that she switches to English when she rambles, my English isn't the best.

"Wait, yesterday was your birthday?"

Melody nodded "Yep! I'm seventeen now! Delicious pancakes today!"

I tried not to laugh. A male voice that I recognized as her dad called out.

"Melody, is that you?"

"Yeah dad! My friend Akira's here too!" she responded.

"Welcome! Good morning!"

Another, more feminine voice said "Akira... Akira... That's both a boy and a girl's name, right?"

"Mom, why's it matter? Akira's awesome!"

"...If you say so..."

The two of us walked into the living room, and I saw that her mother was sitting on one of the couches. She looked pretty Japanese... So I guess Melody is part Japanese. I didn't think she was because her skin tone was super dark. Mrs. Kabel had dark brown hair cut in a bob about to the base of her neck. Even now, I can see how her dark brown eyes glared into my soul... I bowed in introduction, though it was sloppier than I would have wanted. Mom would be disappointed...

"N-nice to meet you, Mrs. Kabel...! My name is Akira Kurusu"

"Akira Kurusu... So, what are your intentions with my daughter?"

The tone of her voice... Oh god, it's the same tone my ex girlfriend's mother gave me at school. Sure, I only dated her because I didn't know how to say no, but... I know better now.

"N-nothin', ma'am! Sh-she's a perty girl, bu-" God dammit, my accent...

She cut me off, snapping back with "So you think she's pretty, huh? You sure it's nothing, or are you planning on dating her behind my back?", which sent tension all throughout my body. She's scary...

"Oh yeah mom, accuse the gay guy of trying to date me" Melody defended me, which made me happy. I wouldn't be able to stand up to such a scary woman in real life... At least in her own home... I need some dignity.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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