Love letters

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You had a bad night. The constand nightmares dive you crazy!

After a nother one, you woke up, drenched in sweat. You turn on the lights and...a Letter on your bed?

"Tf..." you whisper. Ofc you open the Letter and lake out a love Note. It says: " depuis la maternelle maintenant...quelques proches ici et là mais mon amour pour toi ne fait plait ne me lasisse pas tombre..."

Ofc you didn't understand a Word, and you were to tierd to open up googel translate, so you just threw it away!

Next mornig you walked to school but your newly best friend "Ethan" wasn't there to Pick you up like he normally decide to ignore it and walk to School!

You best friend since daycare, Francis waited for you in the hallway. You hugged him an started talking.

"Y/n you look..tierd! Did you get any sleep at all?!" He asked somewhat worried
"I did.. just not much!" You chuckel "i hand a nightmare again, and...i found a Letter...did you.?"
"Huh? What Letter? May i see it?" He ask's, and Holding out his Hand to take the Letter.
You give him the Letter, asking: "can you translate it for me?"
".....oui! Bien sû says that you are....very nice to other people!"
You need a second to understand what He said...why would anymore write that?
"Well..thx francis! worried..why would anyone write me that?! I mean...why in the night? Why directly on my bed?!"
"Oui...that dose seem wierd..would you like to come to my house after shool? We coudl talke about that some more."
"Yeah...ig why not!"

After shool you do just that! You walk with him to francis's house. Both of you sit on his Sofa and he hands you a wine glass.
"Thx!" You take a sip "now..back to the Letter!"
"Oui...but um.. befor we do..."

At the count of three you feelt dizzy and sleepy. Had he put something in your drink?! But he was you best friend! Did he wrote that Letter?! So many questions but all you could do is slowly fall towards him, blacking out in his harms.

Thx for reading so far! I will continue the Story!

hetalia france x Reader Where stories live. Discover now