0.1 In The Beginning

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Hasori Ten was only a year into her padawan training but was on her way to meet her second master. When she began her training, she was assigned to Master Tua Minoka, an eccentric Twi'lek with daring ideas. Master Minoka wanted to create change and believed she could work her way up to being part of the council and change outdated ideals, and Hasori believed that her master could do it. But Master Minoka was young and her inexperience caught up to her on the battlefield. An observation of negotiations on Anaxes went south and young padawan Ten watched as her master was struck down by Count Dooku.

But there was no time to mourn. The galaxy was at war and the need for new Jedi was a prominent issue within the Temple. Padawan Ten had to be reassigned quickly so as to not interrupt her training, though she wished she could have time to herself. Master Yoda believed that the best way to honor her master's teachings was to continue her legacy by becoming a Jedi, and the only way to do so was to be assigned a new master. Hasori didn't argue, and all too soon she was on a republic cruiser and heading for Christophsis.

The one good thing coming from the whole debacle was Ahsoka Tano, Hasori's longtime friend. They'd grown up together at the Temple and had been inseparable for years. Ahsoka was witty and quick thinking, but her mouth often got her into trouble. Hasori, on the other hand, was more cautious and steady but lacked the same creativity Ahsoka had, though she was rather proficient at talking their way out of punishments. They made a great team and once when they were much younger, they had dreamed of being a dynamic team like the famed Jedi Sisters. But the war had set them off on diverging paths, and now they stood side by side once again as the doors opened on Christophsis.

Though the firefight was at a lull, the acrid smell of sulfur and still smoking battle droids hung like a fog in the air. Padawan Ten stepped onto the uneven blasted rock of Christophsis' surface after Ahsoka, following her friend to greet their future Jedi masters.

Hasori herself had never really met either of the famed war heroes, she had only seen them in passing despite the fact that Anakin Skywalker was arguably one of the more social Jedi at the temple. Her former master sang him praises before her death as the two had trained together as padawan learners. To be quite honest, Hasori was glad Skywalker was not her assigned master. If he was anything like Master Minoka was, he was reckless and she did not want to lose another master through carelessness.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Hasori could tell that both masters were surprised at their age, but in the war, younglings were being made padawans younger and younger to keep up with the demand, something she thought that Master Skywalker of all Jedi should be familiar with as he wasn't much different.

"I'm Ahsoka and this is Hasori, Master Yoda sent us to deliver an important message," Ahsoka and Hasori had both been under the impression that they had been expected and Hasori could tell that her friend was thrown off by their obvious confusion, "I was told to tell both of you that you must get back to the Jedi Temple immediately. There's an emergency."

"Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but we're in a bit of an emergency right here," Anakin Skywalker informed the two newcomers.

"Yes," Master Kenobi agreed, "our communications have been a bit unreliable, but we've been calling for help."

"Master Yoda hadn't heard from you so he sent us to deliver the message," Ahsoka's carefully crafted and heavily practiced speech had simply fallen apart.

"Oh, great!" Master Skywalker turned away from them, "They don't even know we're in trouble!"

"With all due respect Master Skywalker, perhaps you could relay a message to the Temple through the cruiser Padawan Tano and I arrived on," Hasori suggested, much to the apparent amusement of Master Kenobi.

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