A Friendly Treat

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Monty and Bonnie went to get their stuff before going home, they waved goodbye the family, however Shad and Bon didn't give any care, the others said their goodbyes aswell before they went to go to their own homes,

Monty opened the door and went up the stairs, going in the bathroom brushing his teeth, and washing his face, he went to his bed and got a Goodnight sleep, he wasn't sure if it was good, Uncle Shad, Bon, Grandpa Blue, and Grandpa night(Nightmare Bonnie) looked like they didn't accept him except for Uncle Van and his son, Grandpa Marcescent, and Grandpa will(spring Bonnie) who openly welcomed him to the family

He didn't wanna make it a problem as he just want to take a Sleep, uncle shad looked like a drug addict anyways he then closed his eyes, sighing sharply through his nose

Fast forward to Tomorrow lunch

Freddy approached monty before roxy could get him, freddy walked beside Monty who was on his way to the cafeteria "Hey Monty" freddy spoke, Monty looked up to his side "oh! Hey freddy" Monty replied with a sound of delight in his voice, "so i was just wondering if you'd like to come with me at the mall?, i have to buy some stuff alone but i figured i didnt wanna go alone" well that alone part was a lie, he always goes alone

"alright, i have nothing to do this afternoon so ok" Monty replied

1 hour and 30 minutes later

"alright see you guys tomorrow" freddy spoke waving goodbye at Chica, Roxy, Foxy, and Bon, he turned his attention back to monty who was infront of the school gate, "ready to go?" freddy asked, "mhm" the Gator replied, freddy started to walk with Monty following from behind, he pulled out his car keys and unlocked his car from a meter away, "you have a car?" Monty asked curiously but also suprised, "im 18 ofcourse i do, now get in" freddy got in the driver seat followed by Monty getting in the passenger seat,

On the way it was just full of silence in the car, Monty wanted to make a conversation but he didn't know what to talk about, "so, you and Bon are cousin's?" freddy spoke, Monty didn't know how to react to the question as it was too sudden and too much of a family stuff, he looked at freddy panic rising over him "how'd you know..?" Monty spoke twiddling his thumbs, "Bon told me what happened with you and your family yesterday" freddy replied, "oh...", why the fuck would bon tell someone a family matter especially when it's about me Monty thought to his self, freddy raised a brow then looked at Monty with his hands still on the wheel, "Hey its alright, if your worried that i find you wierd, i dont alright?, even if your a gator among a bunny family i dont care, you turned out to be a Good person that's all that matters" freddy spoke Monty looked at him and smiled "thanks"

They arrived at the mall and parked their car in the parking lot, "alright we're here, we'll be quick dont worry" freddy spoke as both of them got off the car,

freddy walked around the mall with Monty following behind him, at one point freddy bought the stuff he needed, "alright im done, cmon ill treat ya McDonald's" freddy spoke, "w-what, really you don't have to-" Monty spoke stuttering well its not like he didn't want the mcdonalds but still "well i want to, i dragged you all this way so come on" freddy replied grabbing the gators wrist pulling him lightly as he didn't want to hurt the gator,

When they arrived at McDonald's

"hello sir what would you like to order for today" the cashier spoke, freddy looked at Monty "what do you like", Monty hesitated but it would be rude to turn down the offer now "just a Large Mcfloat and a crispy chicken sandwich for me" Monty replied, "wow you must really like Mcfloat's" freddy spoke taking out some money from his wallet and giving it to the cashier, "yeah, its my favourite drink here in mcdonalds", "here you go i large Mcfloat and a chicken sandwich, and your change, have a good day" the cashier spoke giving them their order, "thanks"

They walked out of McDonald's Monty still drinking his Cokefloat, "alright I'll go ahead at the bus stop" Monty spoke, freddy looked at him with a raised brow, "what do you mean? Im driving you home silly" freddy replied with a light scoff, "Freddy you've done enough already, i dont even know how to pay you back" Monty replied, "you don't have to, all this is just a Friendly treat, so don't worry, now get in the car" freddy replied, "but-" Monty insisted but got cut off by the bear "im not asking, im telling"

Monty knew he cant argue with the bear, but its quite nice having someone to care about him, he went inside the passenger seat, and Freddy in the driver seat

After the trip

Freddy dropped Monty off infront of his house, he saw Monty's dad infront of the door frame, he gave a nod and a finger raised as a Goodbye to monty, before he drove off,

As he drove along the long road, he dug deep through his thoughts about Monty, there was this odd feeling he's been having as soon as he saw that Smile and look on the small reptile, he knew it was the same feelings he's having when it comes to girls, but why Monty? that was his question, Monty is a kind humble fragile adorable friend he'll admit that, but why did he have a sudden interest towards the smaller reptile, he Patted Monty's head wich he has never done to anyone including his past girlfriends and friends, he also never said no to any of Monty's likings or wants, he also asked Monty to come along to somewhere he needed to go wich he also never asked someone to come along, and more importantly he was the one who approached someone first to be friends with, wich he never approached somebody before except if someone approaches him, so what was it that allowed Him to fully surrender his self to Monty?

He parked his car at the garage, and went inside the house, he saw his dad on the couch again with several beers on the coffee table, he sighed and cleaned throwing all the beers in a trashbag, he turned off the tv, his dad was an alcoholic, but not in a bad way, his dad wasn't a bad drunk who throws tantrum, and hits his son, he was a good drunk who drinks just for time wasting,

Freddy went to his room and laid down instantly falling asleep as soon as he closed his eyes,

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