[05]: Moonlight Nymph

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Sometimes Zander wonders why he got the Amalphi surname, seeing as neither his mother or father or distant relative had such surname- He thought he was adopted, surely he was adopted, right? But as it turns out, no.

He wasn't adopted.

His mother just liked the way Amalphi sounded, so she just- Gave it to him. No explanation as to why this surname came to her since every other kid she had was named after a member of her family! Zander has three siblings, he's the oldest of them with 25 years on his back, his two younger sisters were Xeradne with 22 years,  Kier with 18, and their younger brother with 14, Zenos. So His mother was strange but so were others before her, because those were the real names of their grandparent and granduncles and aunts on their mother's side of the family! They all but Zane shared the surname: Everlas.

So he was quite the unique one if he might say- His mother was a strong and loving woman, she was really shitty sometimes but he loved her regardless, even more so when they found out that his mate was another Alpha himself. The first reaction was surprise and shock, then anger when his beloved Vincent was an asshole to him- Really, his sisters and even his little bro who was at the time only 6 wanted to tear the living soul out of his body with their bare claws. "Hey babe, you got everything?" The moonlight was shining down on them as they left their home, confirming with Vince once again to see if they didn't forget anything was great because the big guy almost forgot his bag that had change of clothe if they decided to go swimming in the lake! "Okay, now we can go."

But oh- Fate was something tricky, they did not expect that as soon as they got close to the famous lake, the sweet scent of effervescent burbling plops of a perfume, it almost felt like a tender breeze of autumn against their skin, soft and gentle- It smelled of apples and mint, of flowers and wet dirt and rain, of smoke and ash.

Wolves are creatures of many faces, just the moom they worship, their senses and instincts guide them through the world around them in ways they cannot even fathom to consciously comprehend, but if there was something they understood right then and there was the spark of probability, of the red string of opportunity for love that their nose caught the scent of: A mate. Now, Mates for wolf are like a beautiful haze of emotions that blends with will and wonder so perfectly that they manifest every single aspect of what a mate is- People say love is blind, but that is far from the truth; To love is to see, to observe the target of your affectiom daily and notice little things they themselves don't seem to pick on.

How they smile when the soft rain hits the ground and the smell of wet dirt fills the air around- (Vincet)

How their body language changes depending on what they are looking at, being able to tell which posture and different body language is for what- (Zane)

How their breathing calms and their hearts beats slowly whenever they are trying to sneak into the kitchen late at night for a treat and forget that their footsteps are too loud- (Vincet)

How their lips do a little pout whenever they feel a little annoyed at a random cat in the street because they hissed at him, or whenever a cat doesn't let him pet them mostly because they love cats with a passion- (Zane)

To love is to see- But some people choose to ignore some aspects of the people they love, willingly blinding themselves to the harmful actions of their loved ones, and sometimes they even convince others that their loved one isn't that bad, right? Oh but willingful blindness is like pulling your own heart from your chest and throwing it across the floor unto the feet of your love and say: "Step on it, hurt me, and i will do absolutely nothing about it." It's suicidal, its masochistic.

"Do you-" Zander couldn't even think, both of them rushed through the trees and came almost tumbling out of the canopy of trees when they saw him from behind, short blond hair, his muscular figure was beautiful, his arms moved in kata-like movements, as if he was practicing movements for a dance or he was just practicing martial arts. The most beautiful was how the pale moonlight shone down on his body as he turned with his body, water flowing around him and floating as if it was alive and had its own thoughts and actions, but was so charmed by the siren that danced that they followed the enchanting figure. He suddenly spread his arms open as if he was inviting a hug from nature itself, and nature soon followed as clouds came down from the sky to circle him in a sphere, soon the dirt from the shore floated and floated along into a sphere of elemental force.

The water was already there, a perfect sphere holding onto the air by magic- Suddenly, a burning flame surged between the other three spheres, forming a sphere in itself. Four spheres, four elements, only one remained: "Beautiful..." That was when this long and beautiful tattoo of a pink flower with a blue butterfly softly standing on it, glowed. It wasn't a strong glow, it reflected the glow of the moon and just driffeted off of his skin into pure energy, a hologram-like silvery butterfly flapped its wings and became a sphere as well, and now the five spheres danced together alongside the handsome witch as he turned around and- Their eyes made contact, it was brief, but that single moment was enough to confirm it for both wolves that wanted to just howl in pure, unadulterated bliss.

That handsome man was an Omega, and apparently, their third mate.

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