To Overcome a Fear

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Out on the field Ben and ice were gonna help Carlos

"Okay. Carlos, we're gonna do some sprints. You ready?" Ice began the time that's when Carlos spots dude and began to run quick

"Oh! Ah! No, wait!" When he over pass ice and Ben, ice stops the clock

"Sweet!" Both boys said

"No! Ah!" Ice and Ben noticed Carlos haven't stop

"Carlos?" They questioned then ice noticed dude chasing Carlos

"Oh boy um ben."

"Carlos!" They go after them

"No, stop!" And both boys follow them into the woods


"Ben? Ice?" They noticed Carlos on a tree with dude


"Ben, Ice, help me! This thing is a killer! He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat. This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!" That confused ice and Ben

"Hey, who told you that?"

"My mother."

"Cruella?" Ice questioned

"She's a dog expert. A dog yellerer." Ben picked up dude

"Why are you holding him? He's gonna attack you!"

"Carlos, you've never actually met a dog, have you?"

"Of course not." Ice took dude from Ben

"Dude, meet Carlos. Carlos, this is dude. He's the campus mutt." Ice said

"He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal." Carlos come down from the tree

"Jeez. You're a good boy, aren't you?" Then pets and holds him

"You're a good boy."

"I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island."

"Yeah. Let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs."

"Good boy" ice snirked at what Ben said

"I mean, you're a good runner. You're... you're fast, you know."

"Oh. Yeah. Thank you."

"Yeah. Listen, we're gonna give you guys some space, yeah? You guys get to know each other and just, you know, come find us when you're done, okay?"


"We'll see you later."

"See you two out there." Carlos gets to know dude

"Hi. Hi. Oh! Thank you."

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