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Harry ran off the stage at the end of his last show in Chicago. Before he could reach his waiting car, he collapsed to the ground.

"HARRY!" Anne yelled, as she ran to his side. "Oh my God, someone help him."

She noticed his eyes roll to the back of his head, his face sweating and cold.

"He'll be fine in a minute." Jeff, his manager, said. "Just give him some air."

"He's not fine! Look at him." Anne yelled. She had always hated Jeff.

Jeff sighed and called Harry's tour Doctor over.

Anne held Harry's hand as the Doctor checked him over.

He pulled out a syringe and before Anne could ask what was in it, he injected it into Harry's arm.

Harry took a sharp intake of breath and grabbed Anne's hand, hard, making her jump.

"Baby...are you ok?"

He looked bewildered, not knowing where he was for a moment.


"Yes darling. You passed out. How do you feel now?"

He rubbed his head. He felt strange. But he knew this feeling all to well.

This wasn't the first time Harry had collapsed after a show. He never told his Mum that though. Didn't want to worry her.

"I think he should go to hospital." Anne said, seeing Harry shaking slightly as sweat dripped down his cheek.

"There's no need for that, Anne." Jeff said. "He'll be fine after some sleep. No need to fuss."

He grabbed Harry's hand and yanked him up, making Harry grimace. He wobbled slightly when he was back on his feet.

"Get in the car Harry." Jeff shoved him towards the vehicle. Harry looked at his Mum, tears rolling down his face.

"I'm coming with him." Anne insisted, not taking any notice of the way Jeff kept trying to push her away. She was a persistent woman, especially when it came to the welfare of her children. Yes, Harry maybe 28 years old, but he's still her baby boy.

She climbed in the car and sat in the seat next to him, taking his clammy hand. "Are you ok love?"

He didn't reply, just rested his head on her shoulders and closed his eyes.


Jeff shook Harry awake when the reached the hotel, making Anne angry, she swatted his hand away and swore at him, causing Jeff to raise his eyebrows at her.

They managed to get Harry in the back entrance and up to his room, without meeting anyone else.

Jeff unlocked his door, and they went inside. He virtually threw Harry down on his bed.

"Why are you being so rough with him?" Anne asked, her voice full of anger. "Just get out and leave him in peace."

"I'm staying. I need to make sure he's ok."

"Like you give a damn about him. I'm staying here, you get out." She glared at him.

Jeff sighed. "Harry?"

"I want Mum." He whispered as he curled up pulling a blanket over himself.

"Fine. Don't let him leave until we're ready to leave the city tomorrow." He left the room, slamming the door after himself.

"That fucking man makes me so angry." Anne said sitting on the bed beside Harry.

"Are you ok now darling?" Her tone immediately changing to the caring voice she usually uses, when she's not faced with total arseholes.

Harry nodded, but she could hear him sniffling. Anne moved the hair from his eyes, seeing them damp and screwed up. "Oh baby. Talk to me. What happened tonight?" She stroked his cheek.

He sniffed and wiped his eyes, looking up at her, his face full of sadness. "I...I'm tired."

"There's nothing else? You would tell me?"
He nodded and closed his eyes again, as Anne stroked his hair, until he fell asleep.


So I shouldn't really be starting a new book when I have so many unfinished ones.
This may just be a short story. I wanted one about Harry being mistreated by his management as it seems to be a topic of conversation lately.
In this story, I will have Olivia, but I'll be calling her Olive, as I can't bear to write that awful womans name.
Hope you enjoy and any feedback is welcome. Sorry I haven't written in so long. Hope you're all OK .

All the love. L. Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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