Run & 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘺 They Don't seek

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(Long title, I know, it's not one of my best works...)

Pisces's POV

"Dear ducking god we finally lost him..."
I gasped, letting myself slide down against the brick wall and down to the ground.

"Just say 'Fucking' Pisces, you aren't five" Sagittarius hissed at me, as she practically threw herself on a near by bench.

Should have probably looked around a little before choosing the floor...

"It's called mannerisms. Sagittarius" I spat back, not in the mood whatsoever to take her moquerie.

She just rolled her eyes at me, as Libra finally caught up to us.

"How on EARTH can you two run that fast??"
She asked in between violent pants, nearly falling over.
Luckily, she managed to quickly cling onto a near by tree and keep herself stable.

"I see Pie's not the only unathletic one here" Sagittarius scoffed, looking at the both of us.

"Let me just remind you that you're skipping PE too" Libra sassed, leaning against the tree trunk.

"And let me just remind you that making it through are PE classes is damn near impossible EVEN IF you're athletic"

Sagittarius explained while laying down on the bench.

"Great, then we've found common ground" I cheered lazily.

"And now we've got to find away to survive the next hour" Sagittarius sighed.

I forgot about that part...
I let out a whine as the memories of last years's PE ditching came rushing back.

"Hold up, I thought the whole point of skipping Gym Class was so you didn't have to survive it"
Libra asked, to which me and Sagittarius responded with a hearty laugh.

"That's the intention most people, including me, Aquarius and Capricorn have while skipping" I started.

"But for the psychopaths of are classroom. Like, Scorpio, Aries and Sagittarius" I pointed towards the flattered girl.

"It's an Olympic level sport, with the grand prize of complete bragging rights and Five bucks from each loser" I finished.

Libra simply took in a deep sigh and facepalmed.
"I don't think it's necessary for me to inform you about this, but I won't be participating in this activity"

"Oh you poor poor girl~" Sagittarius let out a low and menacing chuckle, as she got up.

"This isn't a game anymore and hiding isn't exactly an option either..." I continued hesitantly.

"Look guys, Halloween's already passed so quit being creepy and ominous and just cut to the chase" Libra urged us.

At that Sagittarius's grin got wider while I felt a shiver down my spine.

"Let's just say~ that my darling sister Saturn is the human equivalent to a bloodhound"

"Yes we are VERY much aware" Libra added.

"... And~ I might have tempted her to hunt us down with a little bet"

"OH COME ON!" I cried, throwing my hands in the air.

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