[12.] More Than Friends

76 7 3

Miles: Italicized
June: Bold



Do you really have no friends?

Dang Miles, what a way to start a conversation.



I just didn't expect...


No, sorry. I shouldn't have—I shouldn't have called. I'm sorry, I'll go—

Nononono WAIT! It's okay!! What were you going to say?

*sigh*... I just didn't really expect a girl like you to... not have... you know.

A girl like me?

Yeah. You're loud. Bright. Outgoing.

HAH, okay, let me stop you right there. One thing you should know about me is that I am an extreme introvert.


Yeah! I love being alone at home. And it's not like I'm absolutely friendless...


I mean, I do have one friend!


Yeah, I mean, it's this super grumpy guy who works at a certain pizza place. I'm sure you know him.

No, be serious.

I am being serious! You are my—

No June. Like what about school? Any girls you talk to? Have conversations with? Hang out?

I'm having a conversation with you.

That's different!

It is NOT different... why can't I just be friends with you? One friend is enough!

I'm a guy!!


You are a girl.

Yes, I'm aware of that. What's your point?

Guys cannot just be friends with girls.



Wait, so you want to be more than friends?

NO, I didn't mean

Wow Miles, I know you confessed your love to me already, but do you think this is happening way too fast?



Stop laughing.

HAHA OH come on, you gotta admit that was pretty funny.

Shut up.

LOL. You are wayyyy overthinking this. I'm fine! Everything's spectacular!

Is it though?

YES. It's not like I'm lonely!

...are you though?

MILES, YES. Dang, you really are worried about me. 

I am not worried... more like... frustratingly... annoyed at you because you are annoying.

That's the same thing.

Whatever. This is stupid, I don't know why I called. Bye—

Waitwaitwaitwait! I...I guess I can thank you for caring for me—

I don't care for you!!



Then why did you literally call me at four in the morning?


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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