Magic Sense

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Issac and Olivia were sitting on the sofa together while watching a movie together. Olivia had leaned against his shoulder. soon enough they got a knock at the door. "i'll go check." she says,smiling at him. she goes to the door while Issac pet the cat. the cat meowed as she purrs but soon enough Olivia screamed. Issac quickly got up and opened his hand for his sword. he soon saw Olivia stepping back from the door while Issac quickly went over. he looks at them in surprise. "Kioko?" he asks confused. the tall blue demon chuckles nervously. "hey man." she waves slightly. "oh uh well this is a surprise." he blinks twice. "yeah uhm can I talk to you about something? It's actually really important." she seemed a bit frantic and nervous. Issac nods as Olivia waited at the door. he goes to her. "what's up?" Kioko's ears go down slightly. "well you know how we get this sense where there's another magic user around us?" he shakes his head. "no? wait,wait we have a spidey sense??" Kioko looks at him surprise. "you don't know if you do,do you? and what's a spidey sense?" Issac sighs slightly. "it's like when you feel something. like something might happen." Kioko shakes her head. "no,that's not it at all." she chuckles lightly. "okay,let me try something." she runs off. Issac looks at her confused. she was a couple of feet now while Olivia watched. "you have some strange friends." Issac nods slightly. "well I mean she's more..erm..what's the word?" she grins as she puts a hand on her hip. "Eccentric! that's it!" he smiles. "can you sense me!?" Kioko yelled from far away. Issac couldn't hear her that well. "what?!" he yells in confusion. "don't yell so loud! I have long ears!" 

Issac was even more confused. "oh my gods." Olivia says. "Issac,she asked if you can sense her." she says,trying not to laugh. "oh..ohhh." he thinks then closes his eyes. he didn't feel anything but he soon felt something cold but bright at the same time. it felt like sparkles. he soon felt it moving closer. he was still confused but walked forward. he followed where it took him to. he soon touched Kioko. "good job!" her voice was muffled. Issac opens his eyes,seeing his hand on her face. the two pause and blink. they soon start laughing. 

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