catch up and your first steps

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Where you were found
The mastermind(wesker)
He found you in raccoon city in a closet

He found you outside the trials he took you in

She found you hiding behind a hook
Little spy
My child

Daddys little troublemaker

Little hero
You where with your mama "COUGH COUGH docter COUGH" was teaching you how to walk untill "EVEN Y/N HES/SHES/THERE WALKING" you giggled as you walked to your fathers arms

You wanted your dad and saw him cleaning his bell until he hear little feet aka you slowly and wobbly walk to him

He teached and teached how to walk it was slow but you did it! He was super proud and crying

Your father was in a trail and you where babysat by evan but little old you wanted your parent and not even to second you where walking to doc he waa happy but question how the fuck you got here

You where with jake and he teached you how to walk once you saw your father you walked to him Michael was so proud

You walked to him once he got back he was crying and taking photos

He watched as you where standing with the help of a chair and you walked to him until you fell he was proud but held you close

You where with your uncle ghosty and he was teaching you how to walk after some time like on time your ba (dad in Korean) you walked to him and he squealed in enjoy and held you

She watched as you tried to walk to her then while with sally and anna was hurt you walked to anna and she was so happy

You walked as soon you learned to stand

Julie and susie where watching you while the other two go and kill but you wanted your uncle joey so while they where talking you got up and wobbly walked away and then joey saw you and smiled "hehehe looks like you can walk now"

You where playing in the mud while the hag was fixing something while playing you saw your favorite survivor aka meg and you walked to her hag saw this and awed and was so happy

You where laughing while your uncle Michael and leatherface tickled you freddy was smiling and then you stood and booped Michael Michael was smiling but then you walked to leatherface and freddy was so happy he hugged you

You walked while playing with the jagsaw doll the pig found it so cute

He was showing you to your 'grandpa' aka wesker he was shocked that you where infected but not turning and once you walked nemesis was proud

While she was preying you sat next to your mother and yoy wanted that book so you stand amd wobbly walked to the book and your mother saw she quickly got you and was happy you walked

Your uncle was reading to you while you giggled then you saw something and wobbly walked to it and that something was ji woon he was aiming and your uncle was shocked and wonder how the fuck you got there

Your grandpa was playing hide and seek with you be he didnt know you where wobbly walking around once he did he smiled "hehehe im already feeling old"

Your uncle was reading a book while you where being watched by ghostface you figured out how to walk and every five seconds its you walk ghostface gets you and places you down and again blight was laughing

You walked while in a trail and your brother victor found you

You where casing crows while wobbly walking untill your mother came and she was super happy

You where with the spirit while your father was in a trail and spirt was teaching you how to walk and once oni came he saw you walked to him he was super proud and happy

Your idol is oni and as soon as you see he walks you learned how to and everyone wonders how

Pyramid head
You and your father where spending time and he was teaching you how to walk and sign and you walked when you saw him he was super proud he almost cried

Your father was working on his box while little old you played with a plushie he made for you and he didnt know you where a demon like him so you got powers and accidentally used them so you where sitting and gigging on a demon skull thing you made once your father saw he was shocked and proud

Your sister was in the well again and you wanted to see her but you met dwight and you walked to him and your sister saw and was super happy but took you away from Dwight

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