Fear. All I felt was fear as my bare feet smashed against the creaking floorboards. My head was pounding, blood was seeping out of the cut on my forehead, and my lip was busted and bruised.

"Run, Evette. I'll try to hold her off as long as I can." My dad grunted as my mother swung her long arm and hit him, knocking him back.

I know that my father is strong enough to hold her off, but that doesn't stop the worry that can't help but ponder in my head.

I tie my long brown hair in a messy ponytail and run out of the back door. The weather is dark and gloomy in the town of St. Louis, Missouri, it's the month of June after all. I head to the woods straight behind the house hoping that my dad is all right.

I've never shifted into my wolf before, I avoid and block her out when she tries to speak to me. Right now would be the perfect time to have her on my side, but I won't risk the chance of something going wrong.

The ground is moist and I can feel the mud between my toes.

I finally reach a point downside by the Meramec river where I know I could wash my scent off. I'll wait for my father here. 30 minutes pass and I hear my stomach rumble.

Had it not been the morning when my pathetic excuse of a mother stormed our new house maybe I wouldn't have felt starving.

Hours go by and the sun is at its peak, the fear I had long disappeared. I hear footsteps from behind me, I jump up and see my dad. He was battered and bruised and he looked terrible.

"Dad!" I ran to him to help hold him up before he could fall over. I helped him over to a damp tree trunk where he would be able to rest.

"She got me good this time, I managed to get away from her and lose her." my dad huffed. "We will go back for our things and leave for another city, I was thinking Oregon? That's where Bryan's pack is."

"Yes, dad of course..." I knew this was coming, yet I can't help the wave of disappointment. I was just starting to make real friends here.

I'm not sure how many hours had passed, my dad and I just made small talk and jokes, his body had already healed from the beating he had taken earlier this morning. The sun had started to go down and we decided that it would be safe to venture back to the house.

My stomach grumbles as we begin to walk.

"I'm sorry honey. I didn't know she would find us here. I'm sorry this is what your childhood had to be." I look over and see my father tearing up.

"Dad?" I run to him and hug him.

"Dad this isn't your fault. I've never, ever, blamed you. I know all the sacrifices you've made for me. I'm so grateful to have you as my father, and I promise that one day we won't have to struggle like this. We will be free, and powerful. I love you, dad." I tear up as well.

We pull away from one another and he smiles at me, before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I smile at him and hook my arm between his as we continue the journey to the house.

The sun has set by the time we reach the home, there's glass surrounding the back porch as well as a broken window, which I assume happened during the fight.

"Be careful and keep an eye out." my dad gave me a sad smile. I pushed past the door and ran downstairs to my room. I didn't have much since we just moved here about a month ago and I had to leave all my belongings last time.

I pack my 2 small bags and my favorite blanket, which was rose-colored and had a small heart embroidered into it. My father had given it to me on my 6th birthday.

My dad was waiting for me upstairs, we take a final look at the house and leave the month's rent in an envelope in the mailbox on our way out.

We climbed into my grey dad's jeep wrangler and turned our GPS on.

"I have to make some important phone calls to the old alpha of the pack to set up some arrangements."

My dad and the old alpha, Bryan, used to be buddies in high school and college. He's always been worried about us and always offered us a place to go. A safe place, but out of pride we've never took him up on his gracious offer.

We used to be apart of a pack in Maine, the Blue Moon pack, it was our family. That was before the pact heard of a prophecy and went mad trying to figure out what it meant.

My mother went insane too, they say she was the only one who truly understood the prophecy, and when she figured it out she turned on her family. She told the alpha of our pack what the prophecy truly meant, and they changed all of the laws. They killed anyone who got in the way of their plans.

She became their leader.

When we left the pack, she followed. Everywhere we went she found us. We never joined another pack in fear of her and the rest of the blue moon pack hurting more people.

I nod to my father and put my earbuds in, listening to one of Rihanna's older album. My eyelids drifting shut, This was going to be a long drive.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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