"it was a stupid kiss"

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"what are you doing here?" i heard a familiar voice say

i turned to look and saw bruce

"oh hey bruce how are you" i said

"yeah i'm good" he said sitting down next to me

"is that blood?" he said pointing to my jumper

"oh shit um yeah i fell over before but i'm ok" i said

"oh ok" he said

"so why are you here?" i said

"clearing my mind" he said

"what happened i'll be your free therapist" i said laughing

"ok" he laughed

"well i broke up with my girl friend and then um my uncle recently overdosed so that wasn't great , and um i got diagnosed with anxiety so um life's great" he said

hearing all that made me feel shit , i thought my life was crap but hearing this makes me feel great full for what i have

"wow bruce i'm so sorry that's must be tough" i said

"yeah" he said

"how are you doing tho?" i said

"um not the best but holding on i guess" he said

"i'm really sorry bruce" i said

"it's alright everything happens for a reason right? he said looking at the stars

"yeah" i said

"so why are you here" he said

"um same as you i guess" i said

"what happened" he said

"it's nothing like your but , vance is constantly drunk and bringing home girls , i feel really like numb i guess and uh im basically the mom of the house i cook , clean , feed , everything! and i'm just so sick of being the mom all the time and i know i shouldn't be complaining cause there's people like you who are going through way more than me-"

i didn't wanna tell him about robin

"no no y/n don't be silly everyone has there own problems just because mine are worse doesn't make yours less important , that stuff is still traumatic for you" he said

"yeah i guess" i said

he sounded like a therapist

i put my head on his shoulder

"it would be good if you could just like run away from everyone and just live the best life with no drama nothing" i said

"i'd love to do that" he said smiling

"me too" i said

i looked at him and he looked at me

he smiled at me

we both leaned in and we kissed

this time i didn't pull away

we both didn't pull away

we were practically making out

we then pulled away

he smiled at me

i did the same back

i put my head back on his shoulder and we watched the stars

11:36 pm

"oh shit i better go" i said

"do you mind if i stay with you tonight , i don't wanna go home right now , my family is a mess" he said

𝙒𝙀 𝙈𝙀𝙏 𝘼𝙏 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙍𝙄𝙑𝙀 𝙄𝙉  - robin arellano Where stories live. Discover now