Chapter 15

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I don't own the Vampire Diaries

(Except Cora and the messed up plotline)


~Time Skip~

Cora blinked in surprise as she suddenly found Elena barging into her bedroom, "Elena?",

"Cora, I can't believe it! Katherine is free from the tomb?", Elena cried out in annoyance, but Cora just rolled her eyes,

"What did you think daggering Elijah was going to do to the compulsion?"

"She's trying to ruin my life, Cora!", her sister complained, completely ignoring her comment, "I've never done anything to deserve this!"

Cora raised an eyebrow but decided to make a comment, "I'm sure you'll be fine, Elena, you have Stefan and Damon for protection." 

Elena turned to face her adopted sister, "Speaking of Stefan," she started, causing Cora to roll her eyes again, 'When is it not about Stefan these days?' she asked herself, "He's currently with Bonnie persuading Jonas and Luka to help us. You've been hanging out with Luka recently, can you help?"

"Elena, Luka has been helping me with my chem work and that is all there is to it," Cora sighed, "I seriously doubt they will take me seriously anyway, I'm just your adopted human sister after all!" 

"I suppose that's true," Elena nodded contemplatively, "Hmm we'll come up with something, don't worry about it." 

"I wasn't planning on it," Cora muttered under her breath as she watched Elena saunter out of her room, "but I guess I'm being left out of it once again anyway.". She turned back to the school project laying out on her bed and sighed, 'Well, now I'm too distracted to carry on with this.'. Once she had packed away her materials, Cora headed downstairs to the kitchen for a snack but was, once again, bombarded by an annoyed Elena.


"Gosh," she snapped under her breath, "What could have possibly happened in the past 10 minutes!"


"I'M COMING!" Cora hurried back upstairs and found Elena pacing in her bedroom with her phone held up to her ear. 

"Stefan isn't replying to me!" She whined, "It's been over 10 minutes since his last text, and he isn't even answering my calls, he always answers my calls!" Cora pulled a face behind her back, but quickly put on a look of sympathy as Elena turned back around to face her,

"I'm sure he's just busy, nothing to worry about!" She attempted, but it seemed to just make Elena more annoyed,

"I should be his number one priority!" She complained and then got a thoughtful look on her face, "You'll go over to the boarding house and check on him, won't you?" Cora glanced sharply up at her,

"What? Elena, it's dark out!"

"Oh please, Cora! I never ask anything of you! You'll do this one tiny thing for me, won't you?" Cora looked at Elena and saw that she was already blinking fast as though to stop tears, 'Wow,', she thought to herself, 'what a drama queen.'.

"Fine, but only to put a stop to this embarrassing display you've got going on." She snapped and turned around sharply to stalk out of Elena's room and downstairs to her car. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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