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I felt guilty for freaking on Asher like I did, but trevor looked a mess when I ran into trevor on my way out the door. I was concerned because he is one of my people and I could not bare the sight of one of my people being hurt this way.

when he told me that Asher attacked him, caya was of course rolling her eyes snarling saying that if Asher hurt Trevor it was because he deserved and probably attacked Asher first.

he told me that he was just painting on the border of ashers pack and that he was attacked by a wolf and by the looks of trevor it was true he did have a fight with someone or something.

I was so mad that I sped , I never speed because I am a safe driver and plus my grandfather was very strict if I wrecked my car I would not be able to drive period.

I raced to the galleria to meet Asher, I barely got the car in park before I flew out the car door. I knew that I was very angry and could feel caya pushing and fighting for control. I naively thought it was because she was angry about trevor but later I found out is because she wanted to complete the imprint process on Asher

I had not even thought of how that would actually work. because of course there is nothing in the archives about a wolf and vampire together. the way vampires complete the imprint process is: I would have taste ashers blood and he would have to taste mine. but for a wolf they have to bite (mark) their mate. and vice versa.

but it has never been known that a single species could handle both mating processes. was Gabriella correct in the matter that she had a vision of me and Asher with a happy future.

I found myself having hope that she was right because nothing would make me more happy than to have the rest of my existence with Asher. and from what caya keeps yelling in my head is that Asher and kano want the same thing with us.

but a secret im a virigin, Asher was my first kiss. what if he was this pro and experienced person at things. I mean he is a teenage guy and don't they need it to I don't know survive 

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